Saturday, October 4, 2014

Move to Campbellsville

Thursday, October 2, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Once again the plan was to be on the road between 9:00am and 9:30am...well today we made it!  We pulled out of the campground at 9:20am!  And we were making good time.  The GPS showed we were going to arrive in Campbellsville about 1:15pm.  We knew it was going to take longer because we were not going to follow the GPS directions.  We do not like taking the truck and trailer on too many twisty, turny  roads, so we were going to take I-64 to I-75 to Cumberland Parkway, then north to Campbellsville. 

About every 15 - 20 minutes I would pull up along side of Mike to make sure the straps were still holding the underbelly up.  When we got south of Lexington on I-75 I noticed the tail of one of the straps had come loose.  I quickly checked it out and it was not long enough to get caught by the wheel, so we did not pull over on the interstate.  But we did take the next available exit.  While off the highway we also thought it would be a good time to get some lunch and fill up the Suburban.  We took about 12 gallons out of the fuel tank on the trailer, then I topped it off at the gas pump.

After we left the truck stop we got caught in stand still traffic due to an accident on I-75.  We finally got moving, but traffic was very heavy for the rest of the time we were on I-75.  I was glad to be done with that section of the trip.

We finally made it to Campbellsville and the GPS told us to turn on Soule Chapel Road, but the road was only 1 lane wide.  So Mike waited at the church parking lot while I drove down the road to find the campground.  Once I found it I asked them the best way to bring the trailer in.  I followed their directions back to where I left Mike, then turned around and lead him back to the campground.  There were a couple of tight turns that I needed to do traffic watch for, but we made it to Green River RV Resort safe and sound.  :)

There aren't any picnic tables at this campground.  And I am sure we will have additional campers around us before long, but below is a picture looking out my front door.  :)

We will be here until at least December 23rd.  On Tuesday, October 7th Mike will start working his first "work camper" job with Amazon as part of their camperforce at their Campbellsville fulfillment center.  More about that after he starts the job. :)

This afternoon Mike heard from Phil that him and Tandy would be in Bowling Green, KY for the Mustang show this weekend.  We checked the map and found we were only about 1 hour and 10 minutes away, so we agreed to meet for dinner tomorrow night.   :)

It was getting late and we had a couple of things we wanted to pick up at Wal-Mart, so we decided we would eat out again tonight.  We went into town and found Colton Steak House.  Mike had the half a rack of ribs and I had pork chops.  Both meals were good, but Mike said he still likes the ribs at Texas Roadhouse better.  He said the ribs were heavily seasoned with some type of rub that he did not really like.  Once we got back home we called it a night.

It was another wonderful day!

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