Sunday, October 12, 2014

Check on the Boat

Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

It is another rainy cool day.  We slept in this morning and it felt good. Gracie was ready for a walk when we finally got out of bed.  :)  Since it was a rainy day we thought it would be a good day to run down to Jamestown, KY.  We had 2 coolers that we were planning on leaving with the boat this summer, but we ended up taking them to Virgina with us.  :)  So we headed down to Jamestown to put the coolers in the boat storage shed.  While we there we went ahead and move the life jackets and butt cushions to our storage totes.  We put all of the seat cushions back in place.  Now the boat is ready to be picked up to be winterized.

On the way back we went to the grocery store.  While at the store we found a can of Skyline Chili, so we thought we would purchase it and try it out.  I will let you know how it is.

The plan for dinner tonight was going to be Braunschweiger and aged swiss cheese on crackers.  Well Kroger's does not carry any aged swiss cheese.  Mike ran to Wal-Mart to see if they had any, but he said most of the shelves were empty, so we will have to wait for the shelves to restocked.  Then we thought we would go ahead and have Skyline Chili 5 way, but we forgot to buy onions.  So we had just regular chili.  :)  Tomorrow we will stop by IGA grocery store and pick up aged swiss cheese, onions and red beans. 

It was another wonderful day!

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