Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dinner with Phil and Tandy

Friday, October 3, 2014 - Bowling Green, KY

This morning I got up early, so I could get started working.  I knew we would be headed for Bowling Green this afternoon to meet Phil and Tandy for dinner, so I wanted to get started working early.  :)  I was able to get a walk in for Gracie in between the rain storms. 

During the night last night the awning automatically retracted.  It woke me up, but when I heard it I thought someone was landing an RC helicopter on our roof.  I was so convinced that I even thought about waking Mike up to check it out.   Shortly there after it started raining and the wind was blowing harder, so I asked Mike if the awning came in.  And he said "Yes, it just did".  In the morning I did tell him about the helicopter and we both got a good laugh from that one.  :)

Around 3:00pm we headed for Bowling Green.  The plan was to meet Phil and Tandy at Rafferty's at 5:00pm.  Mike found a Camping World in Bowling Green, so we decided we would stop there first to pick up some more leveling blocks.  It just so happened it was on the same exit as Rafferty's.  :)

After shopping at Camping World, we found we were going to be at the restaurant a couple of minutes late, so Mike sent a text message to Phil.  Phil wanted to know where?  Mike said the restaurant.  We arrived, but Phil and Tandy were not there.  Come to find out Bowling Green is on Central Time.  We were an hour early.  :)

Phil and Tandy arrived about 30 minutes later.  We had a wonderful time and dinner was pretty good.  We were there for about 3 hours.  We were really happy Phil and Tandy contacted us to let us know they would be in the area.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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