Sunday, September 28, 2014

Play at the Park

Sunday, September 21, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

It is so hard to believe that we only have 1 week left here in Williamsburg, VA.  Next Sunday we will on the road headed toward Campbellsville, KY.

This morning Mike and I slept in this morning and went to 10:00am Mass at St. Olaf.  After Mass we went to breakfast at Au Bon Pain.  It was good.  It is similar to Panera Bread.  Once we got back home we headed for Norfolk to play with the boys.  Jess had to work today, so it was going to be me, Mike, Mike J, and the boys.  :)

When we got there we headed for the school to play on the playground.  Alex and Avander hopped in the truck and drove down the "little road" to the school.

Once we got to the school it was time to play on the playground equipment.  :)

Then Mike J and I started helping the boys across the monkey bars.

Mike J with Avander on the jungle gym. 

It was time to climb a couple of trees.  :)  When Avander started to climb the tree, he saw a cicada exoskeleton and picked it up and handed it to Papa.  Alex did not like it at all.  :)

After playing at the school for a while we headed back to the house.  Mike J fixed a very nice dinner, then Mike and I headed home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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