Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wireman ride & Childrens Museum

Sunday, Septermber 14, 2014

Mike was still on his ride and having a great time!  :)  Today they stopped by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.  He did ask about working there.  :)  He may end up being a work camping there some day down the road.  :)

Mike J had duty today, so he left the house early.  Jess and I got up and got the boys ready for 9:00am Mass.  Right after church Jess, Alex, Avander and I headed for McDonald's for breakfast.  We got the boys 3 hot cakes to share and a hash brown.  Avander ate 2 hot cakes and his half of the hash brown.  Alex ate his hot cake, his half of hash brown, my hash brown and Jess's.  :)  Then we bought another hash brown, which did not last long, so we bought 3 more.  Well I think we finally filled them up.  :)

After breakfast we headed for Portsmouth, VA to go to the Children's Museum.  It is a really nice museum.  The first exhibit the boys saw was the train exhibit.  It is a very nice exhibit and the boys were truly fascinated by it.

Avander then found a police motorcycle to play on.  :)

Next we went to the fishing boat exhibit.  Alex really got into fishing, while Avander just wanted to put the fish in the holes after Alex caught them.

From there we went into the bubble room. 
Below is a link to a short video of us in the bubble curtain.  :)

Bubbles and more bubbles.  We played in this exhibit for some time.  Both boys had a really good time.  :)  Below is a link to one more video in the bubble room.

Here are a couple more bubble pictures.

We finally left the bubble exhibit, but Alex wanted to make one more stop by the fishing boat exhibit to catch just a couple more fish.  :)

Next is a bad picture of Alex as a farmer.  :)  I needed to stand back just a little further.

Jess and Avander worked on a puzzle in the market exhibit.

Alex and Avander in the dental area.

I tried to catch Avander in the dog house and Alex was working on taking care of the animals in the vet and pet exhibit.  :)

We found a big chair that Alex and Avander climbed up into so I could get a picture.  :)

Then it was on to the Fire Fighter's exhibit.  Alex liked playing in the fire truck.  They have an area that you move a leveler that will start a pretend fire that you use the hose to put the fire out.  :)  Alex really got into it.

It was time to head upstairs to find out what exhibits were up there.  I found a rocket launch that I knew Alex would like.  I got him to finally try it and he was hooked!  :)

In the meantime, Avander found a lever that he could jump up and pull down to raise the elephant on the other end.  He had so much fun doing it.  :)  He did it several times before moving on to another exhibit.

Finally we ended up at the impression area and Alex was the first to put his face into it.  :)

Then Avander took his turn, but his face ended up split by the bar and it looked a little creepy.  :)

Jess took her turn at it and hers turned out very funny.

Alex and Avander both wanted to do it one more turn.  Avander's turned out much better the second time around.  Alex had his fingers above his head.

There were many more exhibits that we did not get pictures of, but this is a really nice children's museum and we all really enjoyed it.  We were there for several hours and the boys were both very tired when we left.  On the way back to Jess's we stopped by and picked up some pizza for dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

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