Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Avander's Baptism and Birthday

Saturday, September 6, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

This post lots and lots of pictures and it was a very busy day!  :)

This morning we got up and headed back to Norfolk.  Our original plan was to go to Virginia Beach ("Va Beach"), but by the time we were ready we did not feel we had time to drive there, play and get back in time for the baptism.  When we got there the boys had a great time playing with Uncle Tony.

We went down to Ocean View Beach.  We had a wonderful time playing in the water.

Then it was time to play in the sand and bury Alex.

We needed to get headed back for Jess's to get ready for the baptism.  We also needed to get the potatoes, carrot and other vegetables into the stew.  :)  Off to Holy Trinity for the Avander's baptism.

We just needed to keep Avander clean for just a little bit.  :)  It was a very nice ceremony.  Tony and Paula are Avander's godparents.

When we got back to Jess's we quickly put the rolls in the oven and then dinner was ready to eat.  We had been cooking beef stew all day and it was great.  Then Alex could not wait any longer, he wanted Avander to open his presents and to see his Elmo cupcakes.  :)

Tony was stopping Avander from blowing out the candles before we had a chance to sing "Happy Birthday".  :)

We were finally able to finish singing and then it was time to open presents and eat cupcakes and ice cream.

At least that was how it was going until Mike J brought out the kitchen from Grandma and Grandpa O.  That was a big hit for Avander and he did not care about anything else at that point.  :)

From there it was time to play with kitchen and make dinner.  :)

Avander had a great day!  And it was so wonderful to have the entire family together.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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