Monday, September 29, 2014

Shoe Shopping

Monday, September 22, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We did nothing real exciting today.  We did our walking this morning, which we have been very good about doing.  I think Gracie is a big help with that.  Since she needs to be walked any way, even on days we are not really in the mode, we get up and go.  :)

This evening we decided we would go shoe shopping for me.  My shins have been bothering me as we walk each morning, so Mike decided it was time for me to get new shoes.  :)  We first stopped at SAS shoe store in a strip mall.  They did not have anything I like, so it was time to move on.  :)

Next we headed for the Outlet Mall in Williamsburg.  We did a lot of walking at the Outlet Mall, we stopped by the Reebok, Converse, Adidas, New Balance, and Nike stores.  We even stopped by the Timberland store, but that was more to look at hiking shoes.  I may have purchased a pair of hiking shoes, if they had had the right size for me.

I tried on lots of shoes, but ended up going back to the Reebok store to purchase a pair of running shoes from there.  When we went to pay, the employee that checked us out was also the employee that helped us when we came earlier, and he was very pleased that we could not find anything better.  :)

While we were shopping Tony called and through our conversation he asked where we would be going after leaving Uvalde, TX...Well we still don't know where we are going.  I told Tony the dart has not landed, Mike said we have not even thrown the dart.  :)  We shall see where life takes us from there.

After shoe shopping we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, then onto Wal-Mart to do our grocery shopping.

It was another wonderful day!

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