Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tony Arrives

Friday, September 5, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Tony arrived around noon today.  :)  We have not seen him since 4th of July weekend at Lake Cumberland.  It is absolutely great seeing him.  :)

We ate some lunch, took Gracie for a walk, then headed for Jess's.  Alex was still in preschool and Avander was at daycare, so when we arrived, Mike J put Tony to work helping him putting Avander's kitchen together. 

Once the kitchen was getting close to done, Mike, Tony and I headed to school to pick up Alex.  The teacher had meet Mike before, so when we showed up to the classroom door she called out to Alex to let him know Papa was here.  When he looked outside he saw Uncle Tony, but he was not sure what think of him.  At first he did not want to go to Uncle Tony, but by the time we left the school grounds they were walking hand in hand.  Then before you knew it Uncle Tony was carrying Alex on his shoulders. :)

When we got back to the house Mike, Tony and Alex headed out to go pick up Avander.  :)  Alex went into Avander's room and tapped him on the back and told him Papa was there.  Well that is all it took to get Avander ready to go.  Avander took a little bit to warm up to Uncle Tony also.  :)

Tony was very amused by the number of times Avander would say "What you doing Papa" and "I go with you Papa".  He even asked Uncle Tony once.  :)

We ate dinner and played some more and finally called it a night.  As soon as we arrived back at the trailer Tony headed for bed and so did we.  I think that was the earliest Mike and I have been to bed in a very long time.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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