Monday, January 26, 2015

SKP Campground in Hondo

Sunday, January 25, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

This morning we headed for 9:30am Mass at Sacred Heart.  The service was very nice.  After Mass we went to Town House for breakfast.  We got there just as they were changing the buffet over to their lunch buffet.  And the breakfast buffet looked so good.  So we both ordered from the menu.  Mike order the Taco Barbacoa, not something he will ever order again.  I had the Town House Breakfast Taco, which was very good.  :)

After breakfast we walked out to the parking lot and noticed a Rolls Royce just a couple of spaces over from us.  It is a very nice looking car.  I can not remember the last time I have seen a Rolls Royce in person.  :) 

When we got home we got changed, took Gracie for a walk, then headed for the SKP campground in Hondo, TX.  It is the Lone Star Corral RV Park.  It is a very nice park for Escapee members only.  You can purchase a site, but the waiting list is currently 26 people.  We walked around the park, then went back to the office to thank them for allowing us to walk around.  We entered the office around 2:00pm and finally left around 5:00pm.  :)  We got busy talking to the couple that was working in the office.  :)

It is a very nice park, but not in a location we are interested in.  Right now we are just window shopping.  We won't get serious about putting our names on a list until we have seen a lot more of this big beautiful country of ours.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Church Clean Up Day

Saturday, January 24, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

This morning Mike and I were up early and headed for Sacred Heart Church to help with the campus clean up day.  During Mass last week Father mentioned that they needed help today, so here we were.  :)

It was a beautiful day to be working outside and we were able to meet a lot of very nice people.  By the time we were done I was sore.  I have not had to rake leaves in a couple of years.  :)

We ended up with over 80 pictures on our camera from today because we happened to have the camera with us and they wanted to take pictures of the event and no one else brought there camera.  :)

After we were done with the clean up we headed for Applebee's for some lunch.  I was really hungry.  They feed us breakfast burritos, but that was at the start of the day. 

When we got back from town, I took Gracie for a walk and headed back into town to use the internet to start getting busy gathering information for our taxes.  I also wanted to get my plane tickets purchased for my trip to Florida at the end of February to see my Mom and Dad.  :)  In the meantime, Mike worked on his airplanes to get more of them flying with electric motors.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Crop Dusting

Friday, January 23, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

It was another rainy day today, but by late afternoon it started to clear up.  We did not see the Sun, but this evening when we took Gracie for a walk we saw a lot of stars.  :)

This afternoon we were getting buzzed by a crop duster.  Those guys know how to fly.  :)

It was fun to watch.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Deer Sighting

Thursday, January 22, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Today was another rainy day.  This afternoon I did notice a couple of deer in the area behind the trailer.  The second one was really hard to see.  And he isn't easy to see in the picture, but in the second picture there is a second deer.  :)

We did not do much else today.

It was another wonderful day!

Pond Moving Day

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

This morning on my walk with Gracie, the sunrise was just beautiful!  I just had to take a picture!

Today Mike assisted with moving fish from one pond to another.  It looked like a very muddy job to me.  Over the weekend Rennie drained the pond of most of the water, so the fish would collect near the kettle.  There were also craw fish in the pond and when Gracie and I walked over there, she wanted a closer look.  I did not let her get to close.  :)

They ended up getting approximately 40,000 pup fish out of the pond!  They were almost done when Gracie and I arrived.  Gracie was very interested in what they were doing.  :)

This evening we worked on laundry, went to the library and went grocery shopping.  When we headed into town we turned on the A/C at the trailer to cool it down a little.  The temperature outside was 81 and the temperature inside was about 85.  It was 76 at 1:30.  It was a beautiful day!

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Motorcycle Ride

Monday, January 19, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

Mike did not have to work today since it is MLK Day.  He gets government holidays down here.  :)  So I worked a couple of hours yesterday and I worked til noon today.  Then we went for a ride on the motorcycle.  :)  We headed down to Crystal City and then on down to Carrizo Springs.  Crystal City is about 40 miles away and Carrizo Springs is an additional 10 miles past there.  An oil company has decided to build their headquarters down there, so there is a lot of construction going on just outside of town, but the downtown area is all but abandoned.  As we drove around we did come upon this beautiful church.

It is Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church.

After leaving Carrizo Springs we headed back up to Crystal City to find Popeye, which is the towns mascot.  They were known for all of the spinach grown here.  We found the original in front of city hall.

Then we found this one just a couple of blocks over.  It was near where a festival was going on for MLK Day.

After finding Popeye, we decided it was time for DQ.  :) 

It was a really nice ride back.  The temperature was around 79.  Very nice!

It was another wonderful day!

Flying Planes

Sunday, January 18, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

This morning Mike and I got up and headed to Sacred Heart Catholic Church for 9:30am Mass.  It was a very nice service and a very beautiful church.  After Mass, Linda and her husband introduced themselves to us and welcomed us to the church.  It is always nice to feel welcome at a new church.  :)

After Mass we went to the Sunrise Café for breakfast, but they were already on their lunch menu, so I had a BLT and Mike had their salad and soup bar.  Both meals were very good.  While we were sitting there I noticed numerous vehicles going by with ATV’s of some sort or another either in the truck bed or on a trailer, then all of sudden a truck pulling a trailer with a helicopter on it went by.  That was real different to see.  

Back at the Fish Hatchery, Mike finished getting his plane ready to fly, so we headed over to the road that goes between the front and rear entrance to launch the plane.  Thomas brought his Cessna Skylane for it's maiden flight.  It looks like a scale plane and flew really nice.

While I was watching Thomas fly his plane, Gracie was busy trying to get to a Roadrunner, but it was out of her reach.  :)

Next it was Mike's turn to fly.  His flight was also very enjoyable to watch.  :)

Here is a video of the launch. Plane Launch

It was another wonderful day!

Library and Tool Clean Up

Saturday, January 17, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

This morning we slept in just a little.  It sure did feel good to know we did not have to get up for anything special.  We took Gracie for a nice long walk around the fish hatchery this morning.  While we were on the walk we stopped on a bridge just to look at all of the animal tracks in the water.  Gracie pulled on the leash and down I went.  There was a hole at the edge of the bridge.  My one foot hit the water and my hand hit the gravel.  Just tore off a little skin.  :)
When we got back to the trailer Mike wanted to open up one of the tool boxes on the back of the truck because it had taken on some water.  He was very disappointed to find several of his tools had rusted.  So we ran into town to pick up some 3 in 1 oil and a small wire brush.  :)

While we were in town we found the church and checked out the times for Mass tomorrow.  It looks like we will be going to 9:30am Mass.  After finding the church we went looking for the library. 

It has a real nice museum in it that explains how the towns in the area grew up and what crops they are growing in the area.  It was very interesting.

I was able to use the WiFi while Mike was checking books and videos.  I was able to get all of my pictures uploaded and the blog updated.  :)  Soon one of the ladies at the desk announced the library would be closing in 15 minutes.  I packed up my laptop and Mike checked out a couple of books and a video.  We then headed out to Ace hardware to pick up the couple of things we had come in to town for.  Before heading back home we stopped by DQ for some ice cream.  :)

When we got back Thomas and Patricia wanted to take their gliders out for a flight, so Gracie and I walked over to where they were going to launch the planes and Mike came over on the Gator.  I really enjoyed watching them fly.  The thermals were not very good today, but it was fun to watch all the same.

Mike finally did get busy cleaning up all of his tools.  He will not be putting them back in that tool box.

This evening the 4 of us hopped on our bikes and took the dogs for a run.  When we got back I had picked up a throne in my front tire.  We will need to get this fixed before I will be able to ride my bike again.  :)  I don’t seem to have good luck with bicycle tires….

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Beautiful Day!

Friday, January 16, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

It started out a little cloudy and cool this morning, but it became very beautiful this afternoon.  Mike only had to work till 1:30pm today.  Thomas had to go get him and let him know it was quitting time.  He finished up the piece of roofing he was putting up, then called it a day.

This afternoon I took Gracie for a walk, this time I used MapMyFitness app to see how far it is around the facility.  I logged 1.68  miles.  This will be a nice walk for us.  :)

When I got back, Mike and I and Gracie, and Thomas and Patricia and Trailer all went for a bike ride.  Gracie did a lot more running on this ride, but she wanted to keep up with her friend Trailer.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Gracie on her First Bike Ride

Thursday, January 15, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

It was a beautiful day today.  After working I took Gracie for a nice long walk around the facility, while Mike worked on his airplanes.  He still needs to get a couple ready to fly with electric engines.  I took several pictures while we were out on our walk.

When I got back I wanted try taking Gracie for a walk/run while we rode bikes.  I let Mike hold Gracie leash.  :)  I don’t need much help to fall and get hurt.  It turned out to be a nice ride.  Gracie seemed to really enjoy it.  She gets to run more than when we walk.  :)

It was another wonderful day!