Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas with the Grandkids

Monday, December 29, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

Mike J. had to work this morning, so we had to wait for him to get home.  It was great to see Alex's reaction to seeing us.  Jess pointed out to him that Santa came last night and then turned his head to look at me.  He came a running, then I took back to the bedroom to see Papa.  At first he ran in place, then he ran over to Papa to give him a big hug.  :)

When Avander finally got up, he was not quite awake when Alex pointed out the fact that Grandma and Papa had arrived.  We got a smile.  Then Alex pointed out that Santa came last night "Ta Da" and the reaction was pretty much the same, a smile.  This is a link to the video that Jess took of his reaction.  :)

The boys were very good about waiting for their Dad to get home, but I am real glad he only had to work a half a day.  They were both ready to open presents when he got home, but first Papa helped Alex and Avander drag their Dad into the front room.  :)

Once we were all sitting around the tree, Mike read each of the letters from Santa.  There was one for each of them.  :)

Now it was time to start opening presents.  Alex couldn't wait!  Each present he opened brought him a tremendous amount of joy!  :)  Avander was excited for the first couple of presents, then all he wanted to do was play with the toys he had already opened.  :)  When Alex was done opening his, he wanted to help Avander open his.  Which Avander was find with, since this allowed him to play with the toys that were already opened.  :)

Jess, Mike J., Tony and the kids got Mike and I a state sticker for our rig.  It is something we wanted.  :)

After opening presents we had fun playing with the kids and their toys. 

It was another wonderful day!

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