Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Visit with James and Deborah

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - Dumas, AR

I was up early this morning to get in several hours of work, while Mike reorganized some of our stuff.  At about 1:00pm we headed south for Dumas.  Mike wanted to see some of the projects James is working on at the University of Arkansas, Mcgehee.  It is a very small extension to the University of Arkansas.  Mcgehee is a small town with a population of approximately 4,200.  As we were driving through town we saw this little park and I just had to take a picture.  :)

There is also a Japanese Interment Camp Museum there, but we did not find it before we needed to be back that the University.  Once we meet up with James, James took Mike on a tour of the school and his workshop area, while I worked on my laptop. 

Around 4:45pm all 3 of us headed to Dumas where we were going to meet Melinda, her husband Dan, Rita and Deborah for dinner at Shep's.  It is a new restaurant in town owned by Ray Shephard, another ex-Federal Mogul employee.  The food was fantastic and so was the company!  :)

If you find yourself in or around Dumas, AR we would highly recommend you try out Shep's and while you are there, please tell Ray we say "Hi".  :)

We finally got back to Benton around 10:00pm.

It was another wonderful day!

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