Monday, January 12, 2015

Truck is Ready

Monday, January 12, 2015 - Tyler, TX

Hall Volvo called around 8:00am this morning to let us know that they had fixed the problem with the transmission and were finishing up the problem with the other codes that had appeared.  At first we were hopeful that they would have it done yet this morning and we could get down the road a few hours this afternoon.  Just before lunch Mike gave them a call to see when the truck might be ready.  They let us know it should be done later this afternoon.

Around 3:00pm Hall Volvo called to let us know the truck was ready to go.  Around 3:30pm we headed over to pay for it.  The bill was only about $500, but they let us know there is an oil leak that eventually needs to be fixed.  That repair will cost around $2,300.  Mike says he is going to take a look at it while we are in Uvalde. 

There is no where to park the truck at the campground we are at, so Hall Volvo is going to allow us to keep the truck there for the night.  We will be headed south first thing in the morning.  :)

After taking care of the truck we ran over to Western Heritage Interiors.  It is a western furniture store.  Western Heritage Interiors  They had some really cool items.  We saw a door with a bull painted on it and it was really awesome.  We both thought it would be something Jess would really like.  :)

For dinner we went looking a Chinese restaurant.  According to my phone 2 are closed on Monday's, 1 with good rating was supposed to be open, but when we got there they were closed and it did not look like it was a temporary close.  I checked the ratings on a couple of the other restaurants and decided we would try a different cuisine.  We passed Casa Ole, a Mexican restaurant, so we decided to go there.  It was ok, but not a place I would rate very high.

We have a long drive tomorrow, so we called it a night early.

It was another wonderful day! 

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