Saturday, January 17, 2015

Meeting the Crew at Uvalde National Fish Hatchery

Wednesday, January 14, 2015  - Uvalde, TX

This morning we were up early.  We wanted to be up at the office by 7:00am to introduce ourselves to the crew at Uvalde.  We met Mark, Rick and Jeff.  Today is only Jeff’s second day, he is new to here also.  He will only be here for a month, then he will be returning to his fish hatchery in New Mexico.

After the introductions Rick took Jeff, Mike and I on a tour of the facility.  He was also showing Mike what he would like for him to do at each tank, each morning.  They have several indoor tanks and outdoor ponds.  Next week they will be moving the fish from one pond to another pond.  This should be interesting.  Mike will also be helping repair a damaged building, painting, and other odd jobs around the facility. 

I truly enjoyed the tour.  :)  I am sure we will both enjoy being here.

Rick had several appointments today, so he told Mike to take the rest of the day off and he would be officially starting tomorrow.  Since it was misty and cold outside Mike did not do much else all day.  He did work on the laundry.  In the late afternoon we headed for the grocery store.  It sure is nice having the cupboards full again.  :)

We do not have WiFi available here.  We are using my Verizon smart phone as a WiFi hotspot, so I will only be updating the blog when we are in town at a location with free WiFi.  In the meantime, I will be keeping up with the blog in a Word document.  :)

We don’t have TV here either, so we will be watching a lot of movies and reading a lot of books while we are here also.  At least we were able to find a good radio station.

It was another wonderful day!

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