Monday, January 26, 2015

Church Clean Up Day

Saturday, January 24, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

This morning Mike and I were up early and headed for Sacred Heart Church to help with the campus clean up day.  During Mass last week Father mentioned that they needed help today, so here we were.  :)

It was a beautiful day to be working outside and we were able to meet a lot of very nice people.  By the time we were done I was sore.  I have not had to rake leaves in a couple of years.  :)

We ended up with over 80 pictures on our camera from today because we happened to have the camera with us and they wanted to take pictures of the event and no one else brought there camera.  :)

After we were done with the clean up we headed for Applebee's for some lunch.  I was really hungry.  They feed us breakfast burritos, but that was at the start of the day. 

When we got back from town, I took Gracie for a walk and headed back into town to use the internet to start getting busy gathering information for our taxes.  I also wanted to get my plane tickets purchased for my trip to Florida at the end of February to see my Mom and Dad.  :)  In the meantime, Mike worked on his airplanes to get more of them flying with electric motors.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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