Monday, January 26, 2015

Pond Moving Day

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 - Uvalde, TX

This morning on my walk with Gracie, the sunrise was just beautiful!  I just had to take a picture!

Today Mike assisted with moving fish from one pond to another.  It looked like a very muddy job to me.  Over the weekend Rennie drained the pond of most of the water, so the fish would collect near the kettle.  There were also craw fish in the pond and when Gracie and I walked over there, she wanted a closer look.  I did not let her get to close.  :)

They ended up getting approximately 40,000 pup fish out of the pond!  They were almost done when Gracie and I arrived.  Gracie was very interested in what they were doing.  :)

This evening we worked on laundry, went to the library and went grocery shopping.  When we headed into town we turned on the A/C at the trailer to cool it down a little.  The temperature outside was 81 and the temperature inside was about 85.  It was 76 at 1:30.  It was a beautiful day!

It was another wonderful day!

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