Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Flying Planes

Sunday, January 18, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

This morning Mike and I got up and headed to Sacred Heart Catholic Church for 9:30am Mass.  It was a very nice service and a very beautiful church.  After Mass, Linda and her husband introduced themselves to us and welcomed us to the church.  It is always nice to feel welcome at a new church.  :)

After Mass we went to the Sunrise Café for breakfast, but they were already on their lunch menu, so I had a BLT and Mike had their salad and soup bar.  Both meals were very good.  While we were sitting there I noticed numerous vehicles going by with ATV’s of some sort or another either in the truck bed or on a trailer, then all of sudden a truck pulling a trailer with a helicopter on it went by.  That was real different to see.  

Back at the Fish Hatchery, Mike finished getting his plane ready to fly, so we headed over to the road that goes between the front and rear entrance to launch the plane.  Thomas brought his Cessna Skylane for it's maiden flight.  It looks like a scale plane and flew really nice.

While I was watching Thomas fly his plane, Gracie was busy trying to get to a Roadrunner, but it was out of her reach.  :)

Next it was Mike's turn to fly.  His flight was also very enjoyable to watch.  :)

Here is a video of the launch. Plane Launch

It was another wonderful day!

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