Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Years Day!

Thursday, January 1, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Happy New Years Everyone!

I contacted Keri this morning to let her know we could meet for lunch today or breakfast in the morning.  Well we agreed upon lunch today, so Mike and I got ready to head for Cheddar's in Hampton.  Mike (KOA) got home last night from Kansas, so he came also!  We had lots of laughs and a really good time!  Eventually we said our "good-bye"'s and we headed back to Jess's.

Jess was busy putting up rope lights in the kids room.  It really looked very nice.  :)  I should have taken a picture.  :)

This evening we went Super Ninja Japanese Steakhouse.  Before the chef came we had a small problem and Jess needed to run to the store to pick up some formula.  Fortunately there was a Wal-Greens just around the corner.  We asked if they would hold off serving our food and they graciously agreed.  :)  Once Jess got back the cooking began.  Jess took a wonderful video of some of the action.  You need to watch it to the end. :)  When the chef started tossing the food for us to catch, he threw a piece Avander's way and it just hits him on the top of the head.

Supper Ninja Dinner

Both boys ate very well!  It was good food and a good time.  :)

After dinner we went back to Jess and Mike's and watched some old home movies.  When we were getting ready to be full-time and unloading all of our stuff we came across our old movie camera.  There was a movie still in the camera, but we could not find the charger, so we could not get it out.  We took it Gene's Camera Shop and they were able to get the movie out.  They then wanted to know what we were going to do with the camera.  I told them I was going to try to sell it on E-Bay.  The salesman said if I wanted to trade for it, they would convert all my tapes to DVD.  Holly picked up the tapes and DVD's once they were converted and gave them to us just last week.  We truly enjoyed watching them.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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