Saturday, January 17, 2015

Beautiful Day!

Friday, January 16, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

It started out a little cloudy and cool this morning, but it became very beautiful this afternoon.  Mike only had to work till 1:30pm today.  Thomas had to go get him and let him know it was quitting time.  He finished up the piece of roofing he was putting up, then called it a day.

This afternoon I took Gracie for a walk, this time I used MapMyFitness app to see how far it is around the facility.  I logged 1.68  miles.  This will be a nice walk for us.  :)

When I got back, Mike and I and Gracie, and Thomas and Patricia and Trailer all went for a bike ride.  Gracie did a lot more running on this ride, but she wanted to keep up with her friend Trailer.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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