Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 2 in Tyler, TX

Friday, January 9, 2015 - Tyler, TX

I was up early this morning and started to work.  It sleeted off an on most of today.  Not the kind of weather we were hoping for.

This afternoon we decided it was time to go do something, so gathered up a few things that we needed to mail off and headed into town.  First stop was the post office to deliver a package to Jess and another to Tony.  Next we went to Kohl's to get me a couple pair of jeans.  For Christmas I got some money from my mom and dad, so I decided I would get me a couple pair of jeans with that money.  :)  Thank you mom and dad.  :)

We had not eaten lunch and it was already after 2:00pm, so we started looking for a place to eat.  I remembered seeing a place on the way to Kohl's that looked interesting, so we looked it up and headed for Coyote Sam's Bar and Grille.  It is a very unique restaurant.  The website says it best:

"When you step into Coyote Sam’s Bar & Grille, you’ll instantly be swept away to a different world. Museum-quality antique firearms and trophy big-game mounts from the world over adorn the heavy cedar walls."

After ordering Mike got up to take a closer look at some of the rifles on the walls.  When he did Sam, the owner, came over to talk to him about the guns.  I know they could have gone on and on about the subject, but out food arrived and it was time to eat.  :) 

I had the BBQ Brisket and Mike had Southwestern Philly.  We both enjoyed the food.  :)

After our late lunch we headed back home and took Gracie over to the dog walk.  We took her Chuck-It ball with us, but she was not real interested in playing with it.  Too busy smelling all the smells.  Now as soon as we would pick up a rock, then it becomes time to play.  So rock it was.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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