Thursday, October 30, 2014

Back Home

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we got up and went to Bob Evans for breakfast with my mom and dad.   It was a very nice breakfast.  It is always great to see my mom and dad.  :)

Before leaving Indianapolis we stopped by Hofmeister Jewelry to drop off my ring.  The prongs on the little stones were snagging things, so I knew they needed to be repaired.  They will be mailing my ring back to me once they have it fixed.  :)

We finally got on the road to head home.  On the way we stopped at a Walmart in Franklin, IN to pick up a couple of items we are unable to find down in Campbellsville.  Bob Evans Hot Sausage, Old El Paso Refried Beans and Kraft Aged Swiss Cheese.  But we were only able to get the first 2 items.  They did not have Kraft Aged Swiss Cheese.  :)

With traffic we made home at about 4:30pm.  The campground is getting fuller.  Several more trailers and motorhomes arrived over the weekend.  We still don't have anyone right next to us.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

A day in Northern Indiana

Monday, October 27, 2014 - La Porte & Mishawaka, IN

This morning Mike and I and Tony got up early and headed northOnce we got as far as Plymouth, Tony and I traded cars.  I got to drive Tony's truck to La Porte!  :)  And Mike and Tony headed for Warsaw.  Tony needed to sign a couple of papers at the Armory.  Then they were going to come back to Mishawaka and go to the storage shed.

At noon I went over and picked up Diane for lunch.  We went to our usual spot, Mancino's.  We had a good lunch and it was great catching up!  I got to show her a few more pictures of Amilyne.  :)  Diane also gave me our mail.  Wow did we have a lot!  Looking forward to seeing her again in December.

Mike and Tony took the Suburban to Gates in Granger to get the oil changed.  They also went to Mancino's for lunch, just the restaurant in Granger.  :)

After lunch I headed for Mishawaka and met Mike and Tony at the storage shed.  Tony put a few things in his truck and Mike picked up a couple of things also.

Tony wanted to stop by Brian and Amy's and Mike and I wanted to go over to the Granger KOA to visit with Patricia and Thomas for a little while.  We had a nice visit!  We found out that Grant, the manager down at the Fish Hatchery in Uvalde, TX has moved on.  They are hoping whoever takes over still allows them to fly their airplanes.  :)

We finally needed to head out, so we could meet Tony for dinner.  We decided to meet at Texas Roadhouse.  We had a wonderful time seeing Tony. 

When we left Indy this morning we decided we would play it by ear, if it was too late we would spend the night at the Super 8 in Plymouth.  If it was not too late we would head back down to Indy, well it was only 7:30pm, so we headed back to Indianapolis.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Travel to Indy

Sunday, October 26, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

We slept in this morning, then got up and got ready to head for Indianapolis.  We left around 11:00am.  It felt really good to sleep in.  It was a nice trip up to Indianapolis.  We did stop in E-town at Shoney's for breakfast.

We arrived in Indianapolis around 3:00pm.  Around 5:30pm we headed over to Ale Emporium for dinner.  Tony was on his way, so Mike sent him a text message to let him know that we were at the Emporium and to let him know that I had forgotten my phone.  When Tony got the message, he was thinking we were at the Emporium up in South Bend.  :) 

It was a very nice dinner.  After dinner we went back to Mom and Dad's house, where Mom and Dad, Patsy and Rick and Mike and I played cards. 

Around 9:00pm Tony finally arrived.  It was really wonderful to see him.  :) After playing cards, Mike and I and Tony sat around catching up. 

It was going to be another short night.  We finally headed for bed around midnight.  Tomorrow we are headed north.  I am going to La Porte and Mike and Tony are going to Mishawaka.

It was another wonderful day!

Mike makes it through his first full week!

Saturday, October 25, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Mike's first full week is now over.  He says it went very well.

Today Gracie and I headed over to the State Park to do some hiking.  We went on the Cobee Trail and Hall's Hill Trail.  We walked about 4.5 miles and it was very enjoyable.  :)

I picked Mike up from work, so we could head to Our Lady of the Hill for 5:00pm church.  Tomorrow we are once again planning on going to Indiana.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Thursday, October 23, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This evening was a partial solar eclipse.  I was hoping to see it, but it clouded up.  I even looked up how to make a pinhole projector.  :)

The sunset was pretty tonight.  I took this picture when Gracie and I went for our evening walk.

The bright lights on the right of the sunset are where the campground is and we were near the corn maze at the State Park.

It was another wonderful day!

Mike's first 10 hour day

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

It was a good nights sleep, just not enough hours.  Mike got up and fixed some soup to take for lunch, then he headed for work.  He said it was an easy day, morning meeting with stretching exercise, stowing, break, stowing, lunch, afternoon meeting with stretching exercise, stowing, break, and stowing until the end of the day. He says he enjoys working there.  :)

We did not do much this evening, we were both very tired!

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Time to head Home

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

 Mike J headed for the hospital early this morning with the hope he would be able to bring Jess and Amilyne home before noon.

Both of the boys woke up in very good moods and we fixed oatmeal for breakfast then got ready to take Alex to school.  Alex was ready to leave about 15 minutes early.  :)  Before heading for school Alex asked if he could take some pictures with my phone.  He loves taking pictures!  They did not turn out very well, but here are a few of them.

After dropping Alex off at school we headed for the store to pick up some more oatmeal.  We had used the last package for breakfast this morning.  :)  While we were there we also bought a couple of donuts.  :)  On the way back we noticed Kodah was outside.  We both thought did we leave the door open!  Then we realized the van was home.  Sure enough, Jess, Mike and Amilyne were home.  This was the first time Avander got to meet Amilyne.

I don't think Avander really wanted to touch his sister.  But he sure was happy to see his mom! 

We needed to get on the road, so we ate some lunch, said our good-byes and headed out.  It was a wonderful visit and we are so glad we were able to be there!

It was a long drive home and we arrived around 11:00pm.  It was going to make for a short night for Mike.  He starts his 10 hour shifts tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Watching the boys

Monday, October 20, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

This morning we got up and got Alex ready to head for school.  School is with in walking distance and it is a very nice day.  It was a little cool out, but not bad.  The weather channel says it was 54.  We were all wearing short sleeves and long pants.  During our walk to school an older lady in the house across the street from where we were walking informed us that we needed to have coats on those boys.  I think they were warmer than me, they were running!  :) Alex did not really want to go to school this morning, so the drop off was no fun.  :(

Shortly after we got back Mike J returned from the hospital to watch Avander, so Mike and I could go there.  Before we left Mike J was trying to get Avander to take a nap, so Avander climbed into Kodah bed.

Then off to the hospital we went.  We did make a quick detour by the bike shop to get my front tire repaired, then to the drug store to pick up a couple of items for Jess.  When finally got to the hospital to visit with Jess and Amilyne.  Of course we got some more pictures.  :)

We made it home in time to pick Alex up from school.  Avander was still asleep, so he did not go with us.  Mike helped Alex walk across the railing.  He helped Avander earlier this morning, but I did not get a picture of Avander and him.

Since Alex was going to be in school when Jess and Amilyne get home tomorrow, they decided they would let Alex meet Amilyne this afternoon.  Avander is not able to go to hospital because he has a cold.  Avander and I stayed home to get dinner ready, while Mike, Mike J and Alex headed for the hospital.  Before working on dinner we did go out and play.  :)

Alex seemed to be very happy to see his sister.

But I think he liked eating his mom's food even better.

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcom Amilyne

Sunday, October 19, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

Happy Birthday Mike J!

At about 6:45 this morning we woke up to our phones ringing.  It was Mike J letting us know that him and Jess were at the hospital.  Jess's water broke last night and she went to the hospital at about 5:00am this morning. Originally our plan for today was to drive up to Indianapolis, but with a baby on the way our plans have changed.  Now we were going to make the 10 hour drive to Norfolk!  :)

On our way there the scenery was beautiful. With the leaves changing color and the beautiful sunshine.

I texted Mike J a couple of times during the trip to get any updates.  But still no baby.  Finally at about 5:25 I got a text that said "Happy healthy baby girl!!". :)  We were only about an hour away, so we headed straight for the hospital.  :)  Amilyne Eleanor Rohde Ols was born at 17:13, weighting in at 8 lbs and 20" long.  Welcome to the world Amilyne.  Happy Birthday!  What a wonderful birthday present for your dad!

She is absolutely beautiful!  We did not stay long, just long it enough to meet Amilyne and to give everyone a hug.  And of course take some pictures.  :)

When we got to the house Alex and Avander were thrilled to see us.  They were both jumping up and down in the door way.  They did not know we were on our way, so they were very surprised.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, October 18, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was Mike's last 5 hour day at Amazon.  Next week he will start 10 hour days.  He said the hardest part of the job is all of the bending and twisting he has to do to put the stuff away.  :)  After work today we went over to the park to go on a hike.  We decided to go on the scenic overlook trail.  It is a 1 mile trail, but it is not a loop, so it was going to be a 2 mile hike.  The picture below is at the trailhead parking area.

These trails are hiking and biking trails and if you are into mountain biking they have put a lot of work into making them fun trails.  They have made jumps, ramps, built up corners and many other fun things.

As always Gracie had a great time hiking.  :) 

After our hike we headed back home to get ready to go to church.  Our plan for tomorrow is to get up and head for Indiana.  We will spend a couple of nights in Indianapolis, then head for La Porte on Tuesday morning.  I have a meeting to attend at work and I need to get my flu shot.  Mike is planning on heading for Mishawaka to go to the storage shed and go out to lunch with guys he used to work with.  After lunch with Diane we will be headed back home.  :)

This evening we went to church at Our Lady of the Hill.  It is a very nice church.  The priest is the same priest that does services at 10:00am at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunny Day

Friday, October 18, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

After a couple days of rain, the sun finally came out today.  It was a beautiful day and I had the windows and door open all day!  :)  We did take Gracie for a nice long walk this evening.  We walked by a field of cows.  A couple of the cows came up to the fence to check us out.  At first Gracie was interested in checking them out also, until another cow cam galloping up.  That was it, she wanted nothing doing with being by that fence.  :)

Lots more people are moving into the campground.  We found out that by the end of the month the campground will be full.  We have meet a lot of our neighbors.  It is always interesting to hear all of their different life stories.  I am sure they think the same as us.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was another off and on rainy day.  We did actually see peeks of sun today.  :)

It was raining when I took Gracie for her walk this morning.  Across the street and down a little way we came upon a drain with a lot of water running into it.  Gracie did not know what to think about it.  This link is to a movie of her playing in the water at the drain.  Gracie Playing at the Drain   Then we walked toward the corn maze and I started hearing a noise that sounded like running water.  When I realized the sound was coming from under the ground by me, I thought I might know where the next sink hole is going to be.   :)

This afternoon we finally heard back from KZ and the company that made the underbelly cover is no longer in business and KZ can't get us one.  :(  So tomorrow we will need to start looking into RV salvage companies to see if we can find a used one.  If not, then we are not real sure what we are going to do....  More to come on this.

This evening, before dark, I wanted to know if I could still hear the water running under the ground.  When Mike and I got to the spot where the noise was, I could no longer hear it.  Darn.  Then we continued to walk down the road.  As we rounded a curve I thought it looked very beautiful, so I had to take a picture.

We continued to walk down the road until we came to a small roadside picnic area with overlooks to the lake.

We knew we were only a short distance from the boat ramp and campground, so we continued to walk down the road.  When we arrived at the boat ramp Gracie wanted to play in the water, so Mike started throwing sticks for her.  Click on the link to see the video.  :)  Gracie Playing in Green River Lake.

It was getting late and we had a little more than 2.5 miles to walk back, so we headed back.  It did rain a little bit on us, but it was not bad.  As we were coming up the hill by the corn maze we saw the sun setting off in the distance.  It was beautiful.  The picture below does not do it justice.  :)  The sun was behind a tree and it was really cool!

Our total walking distance was a little over 5 miles.  We had a nice time walking.

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Aged Swiss

Monday, October 13, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This afternoon we headed for Wal-Mart in Campbellsville, they did not have Kraft Aged Swiss Cheese!  So we drove the 14 miles down to Columbia to see if the Super Wal-Mart down there had Kraft Aged Swiss Cheese.  Yes we are very particular about our Aged Swiss cheese.  :)  They had it!!!!  So we bought 4 packages.  That should hold us over for a couple of weeks.  While we were there we also bought a couple packages of candy and a yard lease for Gracie.  After all we had to make it worth our while.  :)

On our way home, I have been noticing what I was calling barn quilts on many of the barns around here.

Well when I looked it up on my phone we found out that is what they are called, Barn Quilts.  And there are quilt trails.  That sounds like it might be a nice motorcycle ride.  :)  I will have to investigate this further to see what trails are in this area.  This link is for the website I found  Barn Quilts.

We had leftovers for dinner and did not do much else today.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Clean Roof

Sunday, October 12, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we went to 10:00am Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help again.  We talked about going to a different mass, but it was raining last night and we did not want to get up early.  :)  After Mass we ran to the IGA grocery store to pick up some aged swiss cheese.  They don't carry any.  We are hoping Wal-Mart does, but we are going to wait for them to restock their shelves.

Then we headed home and fixed biscuit and sausage gravy.  Something we have not had in a long time and it was good!  :)

The weather turned out to be very nice today.  A lot nicer than we thought it would be.  Since it was nice out we decided it would be a good day to clean the trailer.  After I finished cleaning the inside I headed up to the roof to help Mike clean the roof.  Not a very exciting day, but we got a few things done that needed to be done.  :)

Since we picked up the onions and red beans this morning we had Skyline Chili 5 way!  It tasted just like what you buy in the restaurant!  It was very good!

This evening we took Gracie for a walk at about 9:00pm.  We walked down to the road that goes back to the State Park.  When Mike asked how far I was planning on going, I told him I would have already turned around.  So I said when do you want to turn around?  And he said at the utility pole.  When we got to the utility pole, I once again asked when do you want to turn around?  He said are you ok with going up to the sign..."Sure", well it was at about that same moment something screeched!  "It is time to turn around!!!!" I had goose bumps all over my body.  Don't know what it was, but it sure did startle me!  Gracie just wanted to check it out.  "Oh no, we are headed back home!"  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Check on the Boat

Saturday, October 11, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

It is another rainy cool day.  We slept in this morning and it felt good. Gracie was ready for a walk when we finally got out of bed.  :)  Since it was a rainy day we thought it would be a good day to run down to Jamestown, KY.  We had 2 coolers that we were planning on leaving with the boat this summer, but we ended up taking them to Virgina with us.  :)  So we headed down to Jamestown to put the coolers in the boat storage shed.  While we there we went ahead and move the life jackets and butt cushions to our storage totes.  We put all of the seat cushions back in place.  Now the boat is ready to be picked up to be winterized.

On the way back we went to the grocery store.  While at the store we found a can of Skyline Chili, so we thought we would purchase it and try it out.  I will let you know how it is.

The plan for dinner tonight was going to be Braunschweiger and aged swiss cheese on crackers.  Well Kroger's does not carry any aged swiss cheese.  Mike ran to Wal-Mart to see if they had any, but he said most of the shelves were empty, so we will have to wait for the shelves to restocked.  Then we thought we would go ahead and have Skyline Chili 5 way, but we forgot to buy onions.  So we had just regular chili.  :)  Tomorrow we will stop by IGA grocery store and pick up aged swiss cheese, onions and red beans. 

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Distillery & Winery

Friday, October 10, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

It was another rainy day, but today it rained all day.

Mike worked another 5 hour day.  He said his stow rate was 76% yesterday.  During their training period they want you to get to 75%, he made it at least 1 day.  :)  But he said he got a couple of "pretty carts" yesterday.  Meaning they have a lot of the same items on it.  An "ugly cart" has a lot of single items, which means you have more chances of an error. 

Today he was moving his cart along and hit an emergency stop button on a conveyor.  He was going to just reset it, since that is what he would have done before, but the sign said only maintenance could do that.  So he had to call maintenance to let them know what he had done.  :) 

He does not feel his rate was as good today.  :)  But his first week is over now.  :)

Mike needed to re-fill his prescription and the nearest Walgreens is in Lebanon, KY, which is about 20 miles away.  Since we were going to head for Lebanon, Mike checked out what else there was to do there.  Well he found out Lebanon is part of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.  So we thought we would check it out.

When we got to Lebanon we first found the Walgreens, but Mike's prescription was not going to be ready until 4:00pm.  Then we found the Limestone Branch Distillery.

As soon as we arrived they had just started a tour, so we just caught up with them.  Not that it was hard to do, they were just in the back of the building.  Our tour guide was explaining how they make Moonshine, which is their MoonPie Moonshine.  Then we turned around and he explained how they make their bourbon.  It was a very interesting tour. 

After the tour we went back to the front of the building and did a little tasting.  First we tried the Cherry, Strawberry, Apple Cinnamon Pie and Pumpkin Pie Sugar Shine.  Then I tried the Chocolate MoonPie Moonshine and Mike tried the Precinct No. 6 Sour Mash.  I did not think I would like any of them, but they were pretty good and we ended up buying a small bottle of the Cherry Sugar Shine.  I could see us going back there to purchase a jar of the Vanilla MoonPie Moonshine.  :)  They were telling us that it is good in tea or coffee...sounded good to me.  I also purchased a Salted Carmel Moon Pie and Mike got a Ice Cream Moon Pie.  :)

Next we drove about 5 miles down the road to White Moon Winery. 

The owner Alex Payne is very nice and gave us the story behind each wine we were tasting.  The wine tasting also included some cheese from Kenny Farmhouse Cheese, which is a farm that is about an hour from here.  They also have tours of their cheese-making facility and a tasting room.  We may need to make a  trip down there.  :)

After our wine tasting we headed to the back of the building, where Alex explained how she made her wines.  The tour was very interesting.  We ended up purchasing several bottles of wine.

We finally headed to Walgreens to pick up Mike's prescription.  We were also very hungry, so we decided we would drive back to Campbellsville and eat at Garcia's Mexican Restaurant.  The food and service were good.  It is a place I am sure we will go to again during the time we will be here.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Another Day in Campbellsville

Thursday, October 10, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning it was very rainy, but the afternoon turned out to be a very nice day.

Mike was hoping to find out how many errors he made yesterday at work, but they just said "we still have some training to do."  I guess that means there were a lot of errors.  :)

This evening when we took Gracie for a walk there were several other campers out and about.  As we would stop and talk with them, I realized I am about the only camper in the campground that does not work at Amazon.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bike Ride

Tuesday, October 8, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Mike worked 5 hours today, from 6:00 to 11:00am.  He was up early and I got up shortly after he left and turned on the news.  I saw that the lunar eclipse was happening this morning.  I tried to take a picture of it and below is my attempt.  :)

It was really cool to see.  Gracie did not really care, she was just happy to be outside really early.  :)

Mike said his training is going well.  He is just hoping he remembers how to use the scanner.  He said the pace is fast, but his group was keeping up well.  Tonight a couple of auditors will go through the items they put away (stowed) and let them know how they did tomorrow.  :)

This evening Mike wanted to see how long it would take him to ride his bike to Amazon, so he aired up the tires on our bikes and off we went.  We only made it about 1.75 miles when my front tire suddenly went flat.  :(   So I walked the bike to the Dollar General parking lot, while Mike headed back to the campground to pick up the Suburban.  At this rate it will take him a very long time to ride to Amazon.  :)  I will have to get a new tire for my bike before I can try again.

Once back at the trailer, we heard a model airplane flying at the field across the street.  So we leashed up Gracie and headed across the street.  We sat and watched Roger fly his plane and chit chatted with him and his wife for about an hour.  It was a lot of fun.  Gracie had fun also.  :)

It was getting late and the sun was setting, so we once again headed back to the trailer.  We heated up our leftover stew and enjoyed our dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mike's First Day at Amazon

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

In the 4:00am hour our weather radio went off approximately 5 times.  We did not get much sleep during this hour.  Mike's alarm went off at 5:30am.  Mike headed for Amazon around 7:20am.  He said today was boring. Lots of training.  Ho Hum.  :)

His shift will be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6:00am to 4:30pm.  His will be working in the stowing department.  They said he will be on his knees a lot stowing items on the lower shelves.  He said there is not any real organization to their stowing.  We will see.  :)

He will only be working 5 hours for the next 3 days and all 4 days next week.  This is their way of gearing you up for all of the walking.  :)

Before dinner we took Gracie for a nice long walk.  When we first left the trailer it was sprinkling, so I did not think it would be a long walk, but it only rained for a couple of minutes.  I did not start th MapMyFitness app, so I did not know how far we walked.  I thought I started the app once we turned around, but I must have hit the pause button before I put my phone in my pocket.  We are not sure how far we walked, but we are guessing 3 miles.  :)

When we got home we had beef stew for dinner.  It was really good!

It was another wonderful day!

Stormy Day

Monday, October 6, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was a stormy day.  Our weather radio was busy today.  I have a feeling it will be busy tonight also.  That means Mike will not have a good nights sleep just before starting his new job.  It actually did not rain that much here, but north of here, they got a lot of severe  thunderstorms.

We did not do much else today.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nothing Special

Sunday, October 5, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

This morning we got up and headed for Our Lady of Perpetual Help for 10:00am Mass.  It is a very nice church.  There are three catholic churches in the area.  Our Lady of the Hills has the Vigil Mass at 5:00pm on Saturdays, Our Lady of Fatima has Mass at 7:45am and Our Lady of Perpetual Help has Mas at 10:00am.  We plan to attend Mass at the other 2 churches as well while we are in the area.

We went to Creek Side Family Restaurant for breakfast, but found out they do not serve breakfast.  So we had lunch.  :)  We had there buffet and it was really good.

We needed to get our grocery shopping done, so we stopped by Kroger's to pick up this weeks groceries. 

We did not do much else today, but we did take Gracie for a walk over to the model airfield right across the street from the RV park.  Mike wanted to read the sign to find out the name of the model air group that the field was associated with.  Hopefully we will have a good weekend that he will be able to go over there to do some flying.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Some Hiking

Saturday, October 4, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today it was sunny out, but the temperature was chilly and it was windy!  We decided to take Gracie a walk down the dead end road just down from the campground.  We thought there would not be any traffic, but there was a lot more traffic, then we thought.  As we got down the road we found there was a parking lot for a hiking/horse trailhead.

Then at the end of the road is the Green River Ranch Campground.  This is another campground on Amazon's list and we thought about staying there, but the day I was calling they were having a problem with their phone system and I was unable to call them.  This morning we meet Erin, an owner.  We stood and talked with her for about 30 minutes.  We found out they only have 10 full hook-up sites.  If we come back to Campbellsville in the future, we may check into staying at this campground...

We finally got back home, had some lunch, then headed out to see the sites in the area.  First we went to Green River Lake Arny Corps of Engineers Visitor Center.  It was a very nice center, there were lots of hands-on activities for kids.

Next we went on a hiking trail right outside the visitor center.  It took us out to an outlook point on Green River Lake.

Gracie really liked it.  :)  Then we walked back up the trail to another area.  Gracie decided to jump over the wall, so I had her come back over and Mike took a picture.

We then headed for the base of the dam.  There is a nice little park down there also.
The Green River Lake State Park was our next stop.
This park is right across the road from the RV park we are staying at.  The RV park is in the background of this picture.
We were going to do some hiking, but the trails were closed due to a 4-H group doing some shooting competition.  Instead the state park had a small corn maze near the entrance and it was free, so we decided to try it out.  It is not the same walking a corn maze in the day light.  :)  But it was fun.

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Phil and Tandy

Friday, October 3, 2014 - Bowling Green, KY

This morning I got up early, so I could get started working.  I knew we would be headed for Bowling Green this afternoon to meet Phil and Tandy for dinner, so I wanted to get started working early.  :)  I was able to get a walk in for Gracie in between the rain storms. 

During the night last night the awning automatically retracted.  It woke me up, but when I heard it I thought someone was landing an RC helicopter on our roof.  I was so convinced that I even thought about waking Mike up to check it out.   Shortly there after it started raining and the wind was blowing harder, so I asked Mike if the awning came in.  And he said "Yes, it just did".  In the morning I did tell him about the helicopter and we both got a good laugh from that one.  :)

Around 3:00pm we headed for Bowling Green.  The plan was to meet Phil and Tandy at Rafferty's at 5:00pm.  Mike found a Camping World in Bowling Green, so we decided we would stop there first to pick up some more leveling blocks.  It just so happened it was on the same exit as Rafferty's.  :)

After shopping at Camping World, we found we were going to be at the restaurant a couple of minutes late, so Mike sent a text message to Phil.  Phil wanted to know where?  Mike said the restaurant.  We arrived, but Phil and Tandy were not there.  Come to find out Bowling Green is on Central Time.  We were an hour early.  :)

Phil and Tandy arrived about 30 minutes later.  We had a wonderful time and dinner was pretty good.  We were there for about 3 hours.  We were really happy Phil and Tandy contacted us to let us know they would be in the area.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Move to Campbellsville

Thursday, October 2, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Once again the plan was to be on the road between 9:00am and 9:30am...well today we made it!  We pulled out of the campground at 9:20am!  And we were making good time.  The GPS showed we were going to arrive in Campbellsville about 1:15pm.  We knew it was going to take longer because we were not going to follow the GPS directions.  We do not like taking the truck and trailer on too many twisty, turny  roads, so we were going to take I-64 to I-75 to Cumberland Parkway, then north to Campbellsville. 

About every 15 - 20 minutes I would pull up along side of Mike to make sure the straps were still holding the underbelly up.  When we got south of Lexington on I-75 I noticed the tail of one of the straps had come loose.  I quickly checked it out and it was not long enough to get caught by the wheel, so we did not pull over on the interstate.  But we did take the next available exit.  While off the highway we also thought it would be a good time to get some lunch and fill up the Suburban.  We took about 12 gallons out of the fuel tank on the trailer, then I topped it off at the gas pump.

After we left the truck stop we got caught in stand still traffic due to an accident on I-75.  We finally got moving, but traffic was very heavy for the rest of the time we were on I-75.  I was glad to be done with that section of the trip.

We finally made it to Campbellsville and the GPS told us to turn on Soule Chapel Road, but the road was only 1 lane wide.  So Mike waited at the church parking lot while I drove down the road to find the campground.  Once I found it I asked them the best way to bring the trailer in.  I followed their directions back to where I left Mike, then turned around and lead him back to the campground.  There were a couple of tight turns that I needed to do traffic watch for, but we made it to Green River RV Resort safe and sound.  :)

There aren't any picnic tables at this campground.  And I am sure we will have additional campers around us before long, but below is a picture looking out my front door.  :)

We will be here until at least December 23rd.  On Tuesday, October 7th Mike will start working his first "work camper" job with Amazon as part of their camperforce at their Campbellsville fulfillment center.  More about that after he starts the job. :)

This afternoon Mike heard from Phil that him and Tandy would be in Bowling Green, KY for the Mustang show this weekend.  We checked the map and found we were only about 1 hour and 10 minutes away, so we agreed to meet for dinner tomorrow night.   :)

It was getting late and we had a couple of things we wanted to pick up at Wal-Mart, so we decided we would eat out again tonight.  We went into town and found Colton Steak House.  Mike had the half a rack of ribs and I had pork chops.  Both meals were good, but Mike said he still likes the ribs at Texas Roadhouse better.  He said the ribs were heavily seasoned with some type of rub that he did not really like.  Once we got back home we called it a night.

It was another wonderful day!