Monday, August 31, 2015

Dinner Out

Thursday, August 27, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This afternoon I had a couple of meetings at the hospital.  Our Suburban has been in the shop all week.  We took it there on Monday for an oil change, replace the shocks and a couple of other regular maintenance items, but they found other things that need to be repaired.  We told them that it had to be done by noon on Thursday and they said that should not be a problem.  When I got there to pick it up, it was not 100% done, but they said I could just bring it back in the morning.  As soon as I pulled out of the parking lot the engine light came on!  I called over there to let them know and they said they would look at it in the morning!  Really!  I made it to La Porte, but the engine was not running right!  Very annoyed!

After work I met Diane for dinner.  We went to Enzo's.  We had pizza.  The food was good and the conversation was even better.  :)  After dinner we walked around downtown for a short period of time, then we went back to Diane's for a while.  I had a really nice evening.

Mike went out to dinner with AB again.  He said he had a really nice time also.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Bee Sting

Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This evening Patricia and I were standing up by the store chit chatting, when all of a sudden, out of no where a bee stung Patricia in the face just above the lip.  A couple a minutes later Gracie got stung.  We did look to see where they were coming from and saw them going in and out of a hole under the steps.  Thomas will be busy tonight spraying the bees.

It did not take long for Gracie's face to swell up.  Poor Gracie. 
I am sure Patricia is going to have a swollen lip

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Another Work Day

Sunday, August 23, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This morning we did not get up in time to go to 8:00am at St. Dominic's, so I looked on-line to see what the times for masses were for closer to us.  We ended up going to 8:45am at St Pius X.  It is a very nice church and there is a lot of construction going on on the church grounds.  They are building a new church.

After Mass we headed to Tony's.  I finished up the painting in the kitchen.  It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.  :)  After the rain stopped Mike, Tony and Alex worked on getting the soffit up on the garage.  We should be able to finish that up next weekend.  It is looking real good also.

Mike and I had taken all of the ingredient necessary to make chicken stuffing stuff.  :)  I had grilled the chicken on Friday.  I asked the boys if they had any hot, so I used several paper towels.  Then I asked if they had a measuring  Well I did not know how I was going to improvise for that.  Alex said I could use the red solo cup.  I did not know the ridges on the red solo cup meant anything.  Learn something new every day.  :)  So I now had a measuring cup.  Dinner was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

Work At Tony's

Saturday, August 22, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This morning we headed back to Tony's.  Mike's worked on the soffit and I worked on painting the ceiling in the kitchen.  After I got the first coat on the ceiling it was very apparent that I was going to have to put on a second coat.  Hopefully I will get that done tomorrow.  The house is really looking nice.

We almost have everything moved out of the old storage shed.  We will bring the last load of items to be put in the new storage shed tomorrow.  I will be very happy to be out of the current storage facility, they are too expensive.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy 33rd Anniversary

Friday, August 21, 2015 - South Bend, IN

Happy 33rd Anniversary!  Mike, I love you very much!

This afternoon we headed over to help Tony do some more work on his house.  My plan was to finish painting the walls in the kitchen.  Mike wanted to work trim up in his bedroom.  Tony needed to head into to town to pick up a few things and run by the Mike and I got started working on things.  I grabbed the 5 gallon bucket of paint and tilted it over to shake it,but I quickly found out the lid was not on tight!!!  Oh No!  I just made a huge mess on Tony's wood floor!  I started yelling for Mike, but he could not hear me since he was outside.  I had to take my left shoe off, since it was completely covered in paint and I put my hand on the paint that was on my leg and headed for the back door.  I banged on the door and Mike came in to see the mess I had made. 

We got most of the mess cleaned up off the floor, which thankfully he is planning on having re-done.  I also got some on the furniture and that all came off.  I felt real bad and when he got home and I told him what I did, he told me not to worry about it. 

I was still a mess and for the most part my shoe did come clean.

Our radio even got paint on it.
Tony needed to head out to go to a birthday party for Miranda, so Mike and I headed out also.  After we got home, so I could clean up, we went to Friday's for dinner for our Anniversary.  We did a lot of reminiscing of the past 33+ years together.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Diane

Thursday, August 20, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This evening I went out to dinner with Diane.  We went to  Etropal in La Porte.  It was very good.  She told me all about her trip to Australia!  It sounded like she had a wonderful time.  After a couple of hours of chit-chatting we headed over to her place to see all of the pictures.  It was a wonderful evening.

Mike and AB also went out to dinner tonight.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Mike at Work

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - South Bend, IN

Today Mike helped Thomas put a roof over the sluice.  It is looking very nice.
It is looking good!  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Horse at the Campground

Monday, August 17, 2015 - South Bend, IN

Today I was walking Gracie at lunch time and when I got to the back corner of the park I saw a horse in the park.  Well it as it turns out around 10am the horse came running into the campground dragging something on his hind leg.  The horse was not in a friendly mood, so they asked me to keep Gracie back.  It was injured and its kicking to try to get that stuff off hind leg.  The owner was not able to get the harness off his hind leg, so they had to call a vet to help out.  Eventually the horse was taken back home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Move Storage Shed

Sunday, August 16, 2015 - South Bend, IN

After Mass this morning we meet Tony and Miranda at the storage shed in Mishawaka.  We loaded up Tony's trailer and truck and the Suburban.  We were able to get everything except the planes.  It took us about an hour to load up everything.

When we got to the new storage shed in Valparaiso we just unloaded Tony's truck and trailer, so he could head to the furniture store to pick up his mattress and refrigerator.  Once he left Mike and I had to get busy putting all of the stuff away.  It took us about 2.5 to 3 hours to put it all away.  Oh my!  It is amazing how much 2.5' of extra space is.  And we still need to get all of the airplanes in here.

After putting all of the stuff away we headed over to Tony's to have dinner with him and help him get his refrigerator in the house.  We had Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.  It was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

Help Tony Again

Saturday, August 15, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This morning Mike went down to Phil's to meet up with Phil and Mike.  They did some target shooting.  He said he had a really nice time.  :)

Then we headed back to Tony's to see what we could do to help him with his house.  Before going to his house we stopped by StorIt-Now to check out their storage units.  We currently have a storage unit at Extra Space and they are getting to expensive.  They raise their rate about once every 3 months.  We ended up taking a 7.5 x 10 climate controlled unit.  We will save about $75/month.  :)

As soon as we got to Tony's I got busy doing more painting and Mike helped Tony move furniture in.  I don't feel we got much done today, but every little bit helps.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wire Dinner

Friday, August 14, 2015 - South Bend, IN

I had to go to the hospital all week.  I had an event that I needed to attend.  By the time the week was over I was really tired.  :)  I have not worked a full week at the office in years.

This evening we meet up with Lester and Kathy, Sonnie and Dorothy, and Kirk and Carla for dinner at the Salsa's.  We had a great time visiting with everyone.  We were the last customers to leave the restaurant.  :) 

It was another wonderful day!

Working with Tony

Sunday, August 9, 2015 - South Bend, IN

Mike meet me, Patsy and Sue at Copper Creek for breakfast. After breakfast Sue and Patsy headed south, while Mike and I headed west.  Today we went over to Tony's to help him with some of the work he wants done around his house. 

I started painting trim, while Mike and Tony finished putting flooring down upstairs.  It is looking really nice!  And as always it was wonderful to see Tony.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Sisters Weekend

Saturday, August 8, 2015 - South Bend, IN

Sue and Patsy arrived around 10:30am.  I had stopped by the store last night and picked up some cheese and crackers to take with us today.  So once they arrived we packed up the car and headed out.  Mike was our designed driver today!  :)

We first stopped by the hotel to check in.  Tonight the three of us are going to stay at Hyatt Place.  :) 

Our first stop was Tabor Hill to have lunch!  It was very nice!

Last time we enjoyed Round Barn Winery, so we decided to stop here again. They had music in the garden area again this year.  This winery is also a brewery and distillery.  :)  Something for everyone.

Next we went to Gravity.  Before we tried the wines we went on a tour of the winery.  It was a very nice tour.

This winery has a unique way of doing their tasting.  They give you a list of their wines, you select 4, numbering them on the list.  Then they give them to you on a nice platter with cheese and crackers.  Then you can sit out on the porch to enjoy your samples.  :)  I thought it was a really great idea!

Of course we had to get a picture by the sign.

Next we went to Baroda Founders Wine Cellar.  It is in downtown Baroda, MI.  Inside it does smell like a wine cellar.
Then we stopped at a new winery that just opened in May, Dablon Vineyards.  It is very nice.  They have a nice porch area to sit at.  I am not sure if they will bring the samples out to the porch for you or not.  We did our tasting inside.  :)

This was our last winery for the day, then we headed back for Mishawaka.  We went to Salsa's for dinner.  It was really good.  We sat outside and enjoyed the evening. 

After dinner Mike dropped us off at the hotel and he headed back to the trailer.  We had a really nice day!

It was another wonderful day!

Tony's New House

Friday, August 7, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This afternoon we headed over to Valparaiso to see Tony's new home.

While we were there we went to Lowe's to pick up some paint and flooring for the upstairs.  Tony is hoping to get all of the painting done this weekend.  We will be able to help him on Sunday, but tomorrow Sue and Patsy are coming up, so we can go to the wineries.  :)

It was wonderful to see Tony again!

It was another wonderful day!


Thursday, August 6, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This week we have had several appointments.  Monday Mike went to his annual physical.  Since I went to mine in December, I did not have to go right now.  On Tuesday we both went to the dentist.  On Wednesday we meet with Greg, our financial planner.  We are still on target for our full retirement at the age of 65.

Mike continued to work on projects here at the campground.  Once the pizza oven was installed they needed to install a hood to get the heat out of the office.

I went into the office today.  Just wish I could wear shorts and t-shirt.  :)

Last night a Rotel RV showed up in the park.  It was really cool.  The lighting last night was not very good for pictures, so we took a couple this morning before they left.

The Rotel seats 24 passengers, a tour guide and a driver.  Then in the back portion of the RV it sleeps 26 people.  They are used by a German tour company that uses them all of the world.  For more information here is a website I found:  Rotel RV

It was another wonderful day!

Lunch with Brian and Cathy

Sunday, August 2, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This morning Mike and I went to 10:30am Mass at St. Dominic’s.  After Mass several people stopped to talk to us.  Cathy and Brian showed us all the new construction at the church.  The new chapel will be very nice once it is complete.  They are hoping to have it done by late October, early November. 

We stood outside the church for a little bit just talking, and then decided to go out to eat.  We went to Tony’s Grill.  We spent several hours just talking with Brian and Cathy.  It was very nice.

It was another wonderful day.

Dinner with Holly and AB

Saturday, August 1, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This morning we thoroughly cleaned up the trailer.  It was in need after 2 weeks of the grandkids being here.  I even rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned the carpets.  That only took about 30 minutes to clean the carpet.  :)

Around 2:00pm we returned the carpet cleaner, and then headed for Holly’s.  Mike changed her oil for her.  Once her oil was changed we contacted AB to let her know we were on our way to restaurant.  We went Maxi’s.  It was a nice dinner.  

It was another wonderful day!

Projects completed

Friday, July 31, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This week Mike finished up the ramp on the new cabin and helped Thomas install a new sign for the Hunt Brothers Pizza.  Next week the regional manager for Hunt Brothers Pizza will be here to train all of the employees.  They will start selling pizza and wings next week.  They even have breakfast pizzas.  :)

It was another wonderful day!