Monday, August 24, 2015

Another Work Day

Sunday, August 23, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This morning we did not get up in time to go to 8:00am at St. Dominic's, so I looked on-line to see what the times for masses were for closer to us.  We ended up going to 8:45am at St Pius X.  It is a very nice church and there is a lot of construction going on on the church grounds.  They are building a new church.

After Mass we headed to Tony's.  I finished up the painting in the kitchen.  It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.  :)  After the rain stopped Mike, Tony and Alex worked on getting the soffit up on the garage.  We should be able to finish that up next weekend.  It is looking real good also.

Mike and I had taken all of the ingredient necessary to make chicken stuffing stuff.  :)  I had grilled the chicken on Friday.  I asked the boys if they had any hot, so I used several paper towels.  Then I asked if they had a measuring  Well I did not know how I was going to improvise for that.  Alex said I could use the red solo cup.  I did not know the ridges on the red solo cup meant anything.  Learn something new every day.  :)  So I now had a measuring cup.  Dinner was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

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