Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jess Arrives

Friday, July 17, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Mike and the boys went over and played on the playground for a little while. Alex and Avander have met a couple of friends here at the KOA and are enjoying playing at the playground with them.

After lunch we all hopped into the car and headed over to Best Buy.  I was wanted to look at laptops for Alyssa.  After a few phone calls back and forth we ended up buying one.  I hope she likes the case I picked out for her.  :)

Jess was due to arrive shortly after we got back to the KOA.  When she arrived the boys were very happy to see Mom.  :)  Alex said now we can go home see dad, then go back and Jake and Josh, then come back and grandma and papa. 
Shortly after she arrived we packed up and headed over to George and Mary Ann’s house to visit.  The tap room was open.  :)

It was getting late and we had not eaten dinner yet, so we decided we would grab a bite to eat at Chick-Fil-A.

It was another wonderful day!

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