Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Water Park

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Mike needed to run by the post office to mail out Jess’s stuff she left here.  While he was out he received a text message from Kelly to let him know about a real nice indoor playland at a church near their house.  The boys had a really nice time.  :)  Mike only took 2 pictures and Avander does not look very happy in the picture Mike took of him.  

After lunch we met Mary, Dave, Conor, Charlie and Sam at Monon Community Center to play at the water park there.  It is not a big water park, but it is very nice.  When we told Alex who we were going with he said very dramatically "I have even more cousins!".  :)  Since we did not meet up until 2:00pm I was able to go with them.  :)

When we got back to the trailer, Alex, Avander and I took Gracie for a walk.  They have 2 horses here at the campground and I asked the boys if they wanted to feed the horses.  Alex wanted nothing doing with it, he even decided it was time to head back to the trailer before Grandma went wild on this idea.  :)  Avander on the other hand wanted to give it a try, but wanted me to do it first.  So I pulled up some grass and held out my hand to feed the horse.  Avander thought that was really cool and gave it a try.  When he pulled his hand back he said “The horse ate my hand”, which I assured him his hand was still there.  :)  He then thought it was cool, but did not want to try it again.  :)
We had dinner at Patsy’s.  Mary fixed a birthday dinner for her.  Avander really liked it!  The boys both had a really great time.

It was another wonderful day!

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