Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Repair Pictures

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - South Bend, IN

While we are here Mike will be working here at the campground in exchange for our campsite.  :)  Today Mike went to work on finishing up the ramp on the new cabin.

I worked at the trailer this morning and this afternoon I actually had to go to the office.  I will need to go in several times while we are here.  While I was at the hospital I finally got the blood work I needed done.

I should have taken a picture of the garage the other day, but here it is.  When we talk to KZ about it, they said they could repair the hole, but would not be able to match the color.  So they suggested raising the height of the diamond plate.  That sounded like a good idea, so that is what we had done.  They raised it  in the entire garage and it really looks nice.
Here is the before picture.
With the diamond plate being higher, if this happens again it should not put a hole in the wall.

It was another wonderful day!

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