Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Indianapolis Zoo

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Today Mike and the boys met up with Kelly, Porter and Hunter at the Indianapolis Zoo.  Once again I needed to stay back and work.  Mike did take lots of pictures.

He even took some selfies.  :)

Then a few more pictures of the fun they had at the zoo.

They arrived back at the trailer around 3:00pm.  Both Alex and Avander fell asleep on the ride back home.  Avander continue to sleep after Mike brought him in, but Alex woke back up.  So Mike and Alex headed up to the pool to go swimming while Avander finished up his nap.  Avander took about a 3 hour nap.  After going and going all week he really needed it.  :)  They had a really great time at the zoo!

Tonight for dinner we went over to Patsy’s again for dinner.  She made us eggs and bacon for dinner, which was very good.  While we were there we also did some laundry.  :) We also got in a couple of games for QWIRKLE.  
It was another wonderful day!

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