Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy 33rd Anniversary

Friday, August 21, 2015 - South Bend, IN

Happy 33rd Anniversary!  Mike, I love you very much!

This afternoon we headed over to help Tony do some more work on his house.  My plan was to finish painting the walls in the kitchen.  Mike wanted to work trim up in his bedroom.  Tony needed to head into to town to pick up a few things and run by the Mike and I got started working on things.  I grabbed the 5 gallon bucket of paint and tilted it over to shake it,but I quickly found out the lid was not on tight!!!  Oh No!  I just made a huge mess on Tony's wood floor!  I started yelling for Mike, but he could not hear me since he was outside.  I had to take my left shoe off, since it was completely covered in paint and I put my hand on the paint that was on my leg and headed for the back door.  I banged on the door and Mike came in to see the mess I had made. 

We got most of the mess cleaned up off the floor, which thankfully he is planning on having re-done.  I also got some on the furniture and that all came off.  I felt real bad and when he got home and I told him what I did, he told me not to worry about it. 

I was still a mess and for the most part my shoe did come clean.

Our radio even got paint on it.
Tony needed to head out to go to a birthday party for Miranda, so Mike and I headed out also.  After we got home, so I could clean up, we went to Friday's for dinner for our Anniversary.  We did a lot of reminiscing of the past 33+ years together.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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