Sunday, August 2, 2015

Boat Out

Friday, July 10, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Mike was able to get the brakes on the boat trailer released enough for us to get the boat out of the water.  We did contact Bill’s Boat Barn to see if they would be able to get the trailer brakes fixed before we hopefully return on Labor Day weekend.  They said they would be able to work on it today.   

I was so proud of myself, I was able to get the boat lined up on the trailer without a hitch.  :)  This is absolutely a first for me.  And it really really felt good.  I was pumped.  :)

Before dropping the boat off at Bill's Boat Barn we stopped by the car wash to get the boat cleaned!  We even power washed the carpet.  It really looks nice again!

The brakes were very warm by the time we got to Bill's Boat Barn, but it is there and hopefully they will be able to fix it.
When we got back to the trailer we started getting things packed up and ready for the move to Indianapolis tomorrow.  Around 5:30 we headed for Jamestown Marina to have dinner.  It has been a long time since we have eaten here and we reminisced about years gone by.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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