Monday, August 3, 2015

Children's Museum

Monday, July 13, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Mike J and Jess were up early this morning and headed for home.  They did not wake up the boys when they left.

Mike and Kelly decided they would all go to the Children's Museum today, so this morning Mike and the boys met Kelly, Porter and Hunter at the Children’s Museum around 10:30am.  Unfortunately since I took last week off work I needed to stay behind and work.  :)

They had a wonderful time and Mike took a lot of pictures!

When they finally got back to the campground they were exhausted.  Avander took a short nap, but Alex woke up as soon as we moved him out of the car.  :)

For dinner we went to my mom and dad’s.  She fixed us lasagna. It was delicious.

It was another wonderful day!

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