Thursday, August 6, 2015

Move to South Bend

Monday, July 20, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Jess was up by 3:45am to get on the road.  She wanted to be home by dinner time.   Mike held a sleeping Ami while Jess got everything out to the car, including the boys.  :)
After she left, Mike and I went back to sleep for a couple of hours.  Then we got up and finished packing and got on the road ourselves.  We wanted to be on the road by 9:30am, but we did not make it.  (sounds about right for us.)  We did not leave the Indianapolis KOA until 10:45am.  I am not real sure why, we did not have people stopping by to chat.  :)

When we got to the south side of South Bend we stopped at Lowe’s to drop off one of the motorcycles.  We then took the rig over to KZ.  We are going to have them fix the hole in the interior wall of the garage, along with a few other small items.  

We arrived at KZ around 2:30pm, discussed the items that needed to be taken care of, unloaded the things we would need for the next week and headed back to Lowe’s to take the motorcycle over to Holly’s. 
We finally stopped at Hacienda’s for dinner around 6:00pm.  It seemed like a really long travel day for being such a short distance.

We arrived at the KOA in Granger around 7:30pm and greeted Patricia.  It is wonderful seeing her and Thomas again.  We will be staying in one of their deluxe cabins for the next couple of days.  Mike will be work camping here to cover the cost of our stay.  It looks like he will be building a handicap accessible ramp for their newest cabin.  It is a very nice cabin.

I still needed to get a couple of hours of work in, so I was not able to call it a night until sometime after midnight.  It was a very long day and I was very tired.

It was another wonderful day!

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