Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Family Olympics

Sunday, July 19, 2015 - Indianapolis, IN

Happy Birthday Tony!

This morning Jess headed out with the kids to visit Tanika.  Since it was just Mike and I, we decided to go out to eat, just he two of us.  So we headed for Applebee’s to get a bite to eat.  :)
We started to clean up the trailer and put things away when we got back.  We will be leaving in the morning, so we needed to start getting ready.
Around 4:00pm we headed for Patsy and Rick’s house for the First Annual Family Olympics. 

While we were waiting for everyone to arrive Ami was busy playing with the push car.

Everyone else was just hanging out.

Dave started warming up.  :)
Patsy had come up with 8 different events and the person with the highest score would win.  The games were:
Corn Hole; Yard Darts; Rubber Band Cups; Ping Pong Drop; Golf Toss; Washer Toss; Water Bottle Drop and Ankle Ballon. 

Avander wanted to try out the Rubber Band Cups event.  Mom was the time keeper for this event.

Dad was the time keeper for the water bottle drop.  Mike was the first to try this event.

Rick was the time keeper for the Ping Pong Drop.  John was one of the first to try this event.

Mary and Alyssa were trying their hand at the yard darts.
Karyn tried her hand at the water bottle drop.

Sue was trying to win at the golf toss event.
Annabelle was doing a great job at yard darts.

And Luke was killing it at ping pong drop.

Avander was having fun playing with the balloon.
It was time to announce the winners, Johnny came in third and John came in second.

I came in last!
And the winner was... Mike!  As he was coming up for his award, Patsy had armed all of the kids with silly string and Mike got ambushed.  :)

He got a lot of silly string on him.  :)

Thank you Patsy for hosting this event, it was a lot of fun!  Looking forward to next year.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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