Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Move Storage Shed

Sunday, August 16, 2015 - South Bend, IN

After Mass this morning we meet Tony and Miranda at the storage shed in Mishawaka.  We loaded up Tony's trailer and truck and the Suburban.  We were able to get everything except the planes.  It took us about an hour to load up everything.

When we got to the new storage shed in Valparaiso we just unloaded Tony's truck and trailer, so he could head to the furniture store to pick up his mattress and refrigerator.  Once he left Mike and I had to get busy putting all of the stuff away.  It took us about 2.5 to 3 hours to put it all away.  Oh my!  It is amazing how much 2.5' of extra space is.  And we still need to get all of the airplanes in here.

After putting all of the stuff away we headed over to Tony's to have dinner with him and help him get his refrigerator in the house.  We had Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.  It was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

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