Sunday, August 2, 2015

Back on the Lake

Thursday, July 9, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Before going out on the boat Alex saw a turtle and really wanted a picture of it, so here it is.  :)  The turtle is hard to spot, but he is there.
We stayed close to Alligator II today because it was very windy and the lake was ruff. We found ourselves a cove in Wolf Creek and went swimming.

While Gracie just chilled out on the back deck.
After lunch Alex and Avander were standing on the back deck and I asked them to turn around so I could take their picture.  :)  The pictures turn out pretty good.

Papa and Ami went out swimming and he put Ami to sleep.  :)
A little more playing in the water.
After a while Avander had all of the playing he could take.  Down for the count.  :)

Jess and Mike wanted to pick up some drift wood while we were out.  They are hoping to use it as railing at their house.  So we went drift wood hunting.  We saw several pieces, so they swam to shore and picked out the pieces that wanted to take.  We loaded them on the boat and headed back to the dock.

After dinner Jess and Mike headed north to go see Mike’s family for the weekend.  We will be seeing them again on Sunday when they stop by to drop off the boys.  :)

After they left Mike and I thought it would be a good time to get the boat out of the water.  After we hitched the boat trailer up to the Suburban and started to move the wheels on the back axle were not turning.  :( The brakes were locked up.  Mike took a look at it, but after a short time we knew there wasn't anything we could really do about it tonight, so we just unhitched and headed back to the trailer.  We will work on it tomorrow.  

It actually worked out better that we did not get the boat out tonight.  A storm rolled in and we would not have had time to clean the boat.

It was another wonderful day!

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