Sunday, August 2, 2015

Little Falls

Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Alex and Avander were playing with the little boy next door all week, but he would not tell the boys what his name was.  I would guess he is about 7 or 8, so I am not sure why he would not tell them his name, so Papa told Alex to call him Brenda...  So this morning while Alex was playing with the boy he asked the little boys what his name was again.  When the boy would not tell him Alex said okay I will just call you Brenda.  The little boy responded by saying "I am not a girl, my name Cooper".  Well I guess that worked.  LOL

Today we decided we would head for the Little Falls.  The lake is full of debris from all of the rain they have been getting.  The level of the lake is also very high.  We heard it is about 6 feet above normal.  So we had to be very careful driving in the main channel.  There are entire trees floating in the water.  We successfully made it to Little Falls.  We almost did not recognize it since the water was so high.  The falls were not visible.
Avander and I took Gracie over to the shore and Avander once again played Gracie favorite game...rock.  :)

Mike was standing in the creek that is normally about knee deep.
Ami was enjoying cookies in the boat.

Jess and Alex went paddling down the creek.  They got quite a ways down the creek.

Pretty soon the boys had watched a couple other kids

Mike J took a short video of the boys jumping.  Below is the link.

Alex and Avander Jumping

Even Grace enjoyed watching them.  :)
Then it was time to get some tubing in.  First up, Jess and Avander.  There are a lot of pictures, but Avander appeared to be having a lot of fun, so I couldn't decide which ones to exclude, so they all got added.  :)  (But that is what usually happens)

Then it looked like he was tired and ready to take a nap....on the tube.  :)

Next up were Mike J and Alex.

Then of course Jess and Mike J had to give it a try.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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