Monday, August 31, 2015

Dinner Out

Thursday, August 27, 2015 - South Bend, IN

This afternoon I had a couple of meetings at the hospital.  Our Suburban has been in the shop all week.  We took it there on Monday for an oil change, replace the shocks and a couple of other regular maintenance items, but they found other things that need to be repaired.  We told them that it had to be done by noon on Thursday and they said that should not be a problem.  When I got there to pick it up, it was not 100% done, but they said I could just bring it back in the morning.  As soon as I pulled out of the parking lot the engine light came on!  I called over there to let them know and they said they would look at it in the morning!  Really!  I made it to La Porte, but the engine was not running right!  Very annoyed!

After work I met Diane for dinner.  We went to Enzo's.  We had pizza.  The food was good and the conversation was even better.  :)  After dinner we walked around downtown for a short period of time, then we went back to Diane's for a while.  I had a really nice evening.

Mike went out to dinner with AB again.  He said he had a really nice time also.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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