Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ready for Halloween

Saturday, October 29, 2016 - Amado, AZ

I am sure we did other things today, but this is all I have pictures for.  :)  We went Walmart and picked up a couple of plastic pumpkins.  Put a little sand in the bottom of them.  Add a candle and there you have it!  Our Halloween decorations.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Visit with Rachel and Dayle

Friday, October 28, 2016 - Amado, AZ

Today we took the afternoon off to go up to Cancer Treatment Centers of America to see Rachel again.  Her sister Dayle came with her this week.  Rachel was not going to be done with her treatments until later in the afternoon, so before meeting up with them we met Greg, our financial planner, at Olive Garden for lunch.  He let us know how our we are on track for retirement.  That was great to hear.  :)

Eventually we met up with Rachel and Dayle.  We had a wonderful visit.

Based on a recommendation we went to TJ's Homestyle Restaurant for dinner.  Dinner was good.  After dinner Rachel was getting tired, so we dropped them both back off at the Cancer Treatment Center of America, said our "Good-bye"'s and headed back home.

It was another wonderful day!

Greyhound Room

Thursday, October 27, 2016 - Amado, AZ

Tonight was the first night of the season for the Greyhound Room Restaurant here at the RV park.  At one time the De Anza RV Park was a Greyhound Race Park. The best I can find the greyhound park opened some time in the 1960's and closed after the 1982 season.  In 2001 it became an RV park.

Dinner was good and I am sure we will be going here many more times to come.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Change of Plans

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - Amado, AZ

Today Mike's boss asked if we would stay to the end of the project.  Originally the project was supposed to be completed around the middle of May.  They have added more to the project and now the new estimated completion date is December 2017.  We have agreed to stay...

It was another wonderful day!

Picacho Peak State Park

Saturday, October 22, 2016 - Amado, AZ

It was very warm today 95+, but the plan for today was to still go to Picacho Peak State Park.  So we packed up a lunch and off we went.  :)

As soon as we arrived we sat down and had our lunch.

After lunch we drove around the park, just to check it out.  Then we chose a trail that would take us to an overlook.  Round trip it was only supposed to be about 1.5 miles.  It was a nice trail, but it was hot!
Soon we got about 3/4 the way up the trail and Gracie got to the shade of a very small shrub, laid down and would go any further!
Mike went on up the trail and checked out the overlook.  He said it kind of cool.  We will have to come back when it is not so hot outside, so we can all get to the overlook.  :)

On our way out we stopped by the entrance to take pictures of the sign.

On our way back we stopped by Ride Now Power Sports in Tucson.  We did not go in since when we got of the car I realized I had gotten sweaty while hiking and it did not look appropriate.  :) 

As we were leaving we saw this vehicle driving on the road.  We followed it so I could get a picture of it.
The sky this evening was beautiful and I just had to get a picture.
It was another wonderful day!

Pena Blanca Lake & Festival at St. Ann's

Sunday, October 16, 2016 - Amado, AZ

I am really amazed as to how few pictures I have for the month of October.  It is the only thing I have to jog my memory as to what we did.  So there are a lot of adventures missing from October.  That is what happens when I put off updating the blog for so long.  :(

We were very busy today.  After Mass we headed for Pena Blanca Lake.  It is in the Coronado National Forest.

There were several people fishing.  There is a nice little fishing pier.
I am sure they did not appreciate us letting Gracie take a dip.  :)
We took a hike around the lake.

After a nice day at the lake we headed back to go to the St. Ann's Parish Community Center in Tubac.  They had a festival this afternoon.

They had a silent auction, which we put a bid on several items.  We ended up getting 2 items.  One was gift certificate from Soto's Pk Outpost Restaurant and the other was a couple of bottles of wine.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Patagonia State Park

Sunday, October 9, 2016 - Amado, AZ

After Mass this morning we thought it would be a good day to take a drive to Patagonia Lake State Park.  It is a very nice state park and the campground looks awesome.  There were several campsites right on the lake.  We did not go on any hikes, we did walk around the shore a little, but I was surprised when I got back and found I did not take any pictures!  It is a very beautiful state park.  We will have to go back to take pictures.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Visit Rachel

Saturday, October 8, 2016 - Amado, AZ

Mike's cousin Rachel is getting treatments at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Phoenix.  She was here this week and will be leaving later today, so we drove up to Phoenix to visit with her.  It has been 30+ years since we have seen her last.  We had a wonderful visit.

We are saying our prayers that these treatments work for her.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Air Races

Sunday, October 2, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we were up early to head for the Indianapolis Speedway.  This is the first time the Redbull Air Races are going to be in the United States and it is going to be in Indianapolis.  :)  Since we were going to be in town for Lindsay's wedding any way, we decided we could not pass up on the opportunity to go to the air races.

Here are a couple of pictures of the pilots.

It was overcast today and a little chilly.  We are still looking forward to the race!
The pylons are filled with air and are supposed to collapse upon impact.

Tony took a couple of pictures of Mike and I.  I thought I took a couple of pictures of him and Miranda, but I did not see them on my phone.

Before the races there was motorcycle stunt guy that did a quick show for us.  He is right on the other side of the fence.

Soon the races started and I took a couple of pictures of the leader board.  They did not turn out very well, but here they are.  :)

There were a couple of guys from the United States, but none of them made it to the finals.  One of them came close.  We did see a couple of planes hit the pylons and they did collapse quickly.  The ground crews would repair and re-inflate them quickly.  Here are a couple pictures of the planes going through the course.  They are really hard to pick out, but they are there.  :)

They did have a short air show where a couple of other planes flew over head.

The races were awesome and it is something we would like to see again!  After the races were over we headed back to northern Indiana.

It was another wonderful day!

Lindsay & James's Wedding

Saturday, October 1, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

This afternoon the 4 of us, me, Mike, Tony and Miranda, headed down to Indianapolis for Lindsay and James's wedding.  The wedding was in beautiful little chapel.

After the wedding we headed for the reception, which was at Community Center at Heartland RV Resort.  Mike and I felt right at home.  :)  It was a very nice place.
After a nice meal it was time for their first dance.

Then it was time to cut the cake.  I only got 1 picture of this.
Next was the father/daughter dance.  George and Lindsay sure did know how to "cut a rug".  :)

Next up was James and his mom.

After James danced with his mom, he danced with Abby on of his beautiful daughters.
Soon it was time for the "Dollar Dance".  I only got a couple of pictures of that, but they are good ones.

Once all of the special dances were done the dance floor was opened up to everyone.  And even my mom and dad got out on the dance floor!  :)

It was a beautiful wedding and a fun reception.  I wish for Lindsay and James many happy years to come.

It was another wonderful day!