Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Day at the Park

 Sunday, August 28, 2016 - Gig Harbor, WA

This morning Mike and I went to Mass, then went to Hy Iu Hee Hee for breakfast. It is a small bar and grill just down the street from the campground.  The food and service were both very good.  Soon we once again headed for Jess's.

Today we went to Point No Point State Park, home of the oldest lighthouse on Puget Sound.  These are pictures from right at the parking lot.

This chair was located right next to the lighthouse and Ami climbed up in it.
We went further down the beach and found these make shift houses made out of drift wood.

We started hiking a trail and came across this downed tree.  I took a lot of pictures of a downed tree.  :)

On the way back I heard a noise that I was sure was a whale.  I don't think anyone believed me until we saw the whale break the water.  Then I started taking a lot of pictures out by the boat that was near where I saw the whale break the water in hopes to get a picture of him.  Some of the pictures you can see the whales back and some you can see the spray of water from his blow hole.  :)  None of them are very good.  I had the zoom out all the way on my phone.

I was so excited.  Mike J said next time I see a whale out in the water he is going to take a picture of me.  :)

When we got back from the park we had dinner.  And since Mike and I will not be here for Avander's birthday we had a birthday cake for him.

As a birthday present we have been taking them to Toy's R Us to pick out a toy.  Alex and Avander really look forward to it.  Mike will be leaving in the morning, so after a little cake and ice cream we took Avander to Toy's R Us to get his toy.  He walked around and looked at a lot of different options.

He finally decided on a mixer and toaster.  He was very happy with his pick. 
It was another wonderful day!

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