Friday, December 30, 2016

Picacho Peak State Park

Saturday, October 22, 2016 - Amado, AZ

It was very warm today 95+, but the plan for today was to still go to Picacho Peak State Park.  So we packed up a lunch and off we went.  :)

As soon as we arrived we sat down and had our lunch.

After lunch we drove around the park, just to check it out.  Then we chose a trail that would take us to an overlook.  Round trip it was only supposed to be about 1.5 miles.  It was a nice trail, but it was hot!
Soon we got about 3/4 the way up the trail and Gracie got to the shade of a very small shrub, laid down and would go any further!
Mike went on up the trail and checked out the overlook.  He said it kind of cool.  We will have to come back when it is not so hot outside, so we can all get to the overlook.  :)

On our way out we stopped by the entrance to take pictures of the sign.

On our way back we stopped by Ride Now Power Sports in Tucson.  We did not go in since when we got of the car I realized I had gotten sweaty while hiking and it did not look appropriate.  :) 

As we were leaving we saw this vehicle driving on the road.  We followed it so I could get a picture of it.
The sky this evening was beautiful and I just had to get a picture.
It was another wonderful day!

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