Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Air Races

Sunday, October 2, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we were up early to head for the Indianapolis Speedway.  This is the first time the Redbull Air Races are going to be in the United States and it is going to be in Indianapolis.  :)  Since we were going to be in town for Lindsay's wedding any way, we decided we could not pass up on the opportunity to go to the air races.

Here are a couple of pictures of the pilots.

It was overcast today and a little chilly.  We are still looking forward to the race!
The pylons are filled with air and are supposed to collapse upon impact.

Tony took a couple of pictures of Mike and I.  I thought I took a couple of pictures of him and Miranda, but I did not see them on my phone.

Before the races there was motorcycle stunt guy that did a quick show for us.  He is right on the other side of the fence.

Soon the races started and I took a couple of pictures of the leader board.  They did not turn out very well, but here they are.  :)

There were a couple of guys from the United States, but none of them made it to the finals.  One of them came close.  We did see a couple of planes hit the pylons and they did collapse quickly.  The ground crews would repair and re-inflate them quickly.  Here are a couple pictures of the planes going through the course.  They are really hard to pick out, but they are there.  :)

They did have a short air show where a couple of other planes flew over head.

The races were awesome and it is something we would like to see again!  After the races were over we headed back to northern Indiana.

It was another wonderful day!

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