Friday, December 9, 2016

Mt Rainier National Park

Saturday, September 3, 2016 - Gig Harbor, WA

Once again it was cloudy, but our plans for the day were still to go and hopefully see My Rainier.  So I looked up on my phone to see how to get there.  There were several entrances listed, so I picked the closest one and off we went.  But not before taking this picture of the campsite.  :)
Eventually we arrived just to find out it is a parking lot for hiking trails.  Oh no I picked wrong.  The sights here were beautiful, but not an area we will be able to explore.  Mom and Dad can't get around here.

After a little exploring and talking to the ranger we were on our way again.  Unfortunately the main entrance that we want is about 45 minutes away.  Along the way we did drive across this bridge with these beautiful views.

They told us there was a restaurant at the highest point that you can drive in the park, so this is where we headed.  I would not call it a restaurant, I would call it a stinky cafeteria.  But we were hungry, so we ate here anyway.  Alex was cold, so he pulled up the hood on his jacket.  I think it is time he gets a new jacket.  :)
A ranger told us on a clear day you can see Mt Rainier right behind this building.  But as you can see it is not a clear day!
As we headed back down the mountain I noticed the clouds stated to break up a little.  I kept looking in to see if Mount Rainier became visible and it did!  :)

It did not stay visible for very long and the clouds hid it once again, so we continued on back to Gig Harbor.

For dinner we went to Tides Tavern in Gig Harbor.  It was very nice!  And it is right on the harbor, so it is a beautiful view.

It was another wonderful day!

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