Thursday, December 8, 2016

See the Pacific Ocean

Thursday, September 1, 2016 – Gig Harbor, WA

The entire month of August was fairly dry and beautiful, but today when we want to do some outdoor activity with the family it is raining.  But we continued on with our plans to drive out to the Pacific Ocean.  So after breakfast at the Gig Harbor Inn we all hopped into the cars and headed for Ocean City, WA.   Not that we heard anything about it, we just headed there to see the sites.

While we were driving in town looking for a restaurant for lunch we saw these sasquatches.
We finally found Shilo Inn.  It was so-so.  The food was ok and the service ok.  Nothing special.  But the company was great!
After lunch we drove further down the coast and saw this rock that looked like a camel.

We soon started our way back, but not before stopping at a winery.  :)
Of course I had to buy some wine.

Soon we made it back to Jess’s apartment.  Everyone wanted to see her place while they were here.    We dropped off the guys and the kids, and then headed for Central Market to get food for dinner.  No of us were real hungry, so we just bought a lot of appetizer type foods.

After dinner we visited for just a little bit, then we headed out.  We have to get up early tomorrow morning to catch the ferry to Victoria Canada.

It was another wonderful day!

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