Monday, December 26, 2016

Whipple Observatory

Saturday, September 17, 2016 - Amado, AZ

We can see the Whipple Observatory from the RV park, but it is only open Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, so I don't think we will be going there any time soon.  We are thinking maybe once Mike gets done with this project.  :)  But today we did drive up as far as we could go just to see it a little closer.  And the views were awesome!

This is all the further we could go.  And the actual observatory is still a ways up the mountain.
On the way back down we stopped along the way to take some more awesome pictures.

About 3/4 the way back down there is a visitor's center, but it was not open either.  They did have this information sign that explained a little about the observatory.
It was another wonderful day!

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