Thursday, December 22, 2016

Zip Line

Saturday, September 10, 2016 - Amado, AZ

We talked about several things we could do today and decided on zip lining.  We made reservations for an early afternoon tour at Arizona Zipline Adventures.  It is up on Mt. Lemon.  It was about 1.5 hour drive from here, but it was a beautiful drive.  Soon we arrived.

This was Tony and Miranda's first time to zipline and they had a great time.  I took lots of pictures of us on the zipline.  Most of them you cannot tell who is going.  :)

Then I decided to step back and try to take a picture.  Miranda was getting ready to go!
 There she goes!
Mike's turn!
A few pictures just as Tony, Miranda and Mike were leaving the platform.

I really did go.  :)  We finally made it to the last one. This one is a double run, so 2 people go down at the same time.  Race, but the heavy person always seems to win.
I stood underneath the lines hoping to take some good pictures of Tony and Miranda, but the focus on the camera on the did not work fast enough and all of the pictures turned out blurry. 

Except for this one and by that time they were almost out of sight.
We all had a great time!  While we were there someone told us about a cave a little further up the road.  So we thought we would check it out.  This is the road.  :)
When we got to the cave entrance there was a gentleman there that had all of his spelunking gear on, so we talked to him about the cave.  Come to find out he is park of a group that helps keep the cave clean.  He was there to help a couple learn how to go spelunking.   They were in the cave already.  Here is the entrance to the cave.
Once in you go down a path to a small opening.  The gentleman told us that there is a big room a 100 yards or so through that tunnel.  First of all we did not want to get all muddy and second of all small tunnels is not my thing!  Like not at all.  :)
So we just thanked the guy and headed back out.  We eventually made our way back to the trailer and went to dinner at the Italian Peasant in Tubac.
It is a good restaurant and I am sure Mike and I will eat here again.

It was another wonderful day.

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